Vices and splendors of art policies: episode 2/4 of the podcast Art and power: dangerous connections?

Vices and splendors of art policies: episode 2/4 of the podcast Art and power: dangerous connections?
Vices and splendors of art policies: episode 2/4 of the podcast Art and power: dangerous connections?

To talk about it

Janine Mossuz-Lavau has a doctorate in political science (thesis on André Malraux and Gaullism). She is also CNRS Emeritus Research Director at Sciences Po Political Research Center (CEVIPOF). Publications :

Michaël de Saint-Cheron is a writer, essayist and president of the André Malraux International Research Center. He was a direct witness to Malraux. Publications:

Anne Lafont is an art historian and director of studies at EHESS. Publications:

  • “Critical culture”, Germinaln°8, May 2024, dir. Anne Lafont, Christophe Prochasson
  • Africa and the world: stories retold, dir. François-Xavier Fauvelle and Anne Lafont, La Découverte, 2022
  • Art and Race. The African (all) against the eye of EnlightenmentLes Presses du Réel, 2019

Sound references

  • Archive of André Malraux, “To save the monuments of Upper Egypt”, speech given in on March 8, 1960 in response to UNESCO’s appeal
  • Archive of André Malraux, “Last conversations with André Malraux”, a series by Jean-Marie Drot, produced from interviews with Malraux that he carried out for television between 1974 and 1976, episode 5/15 rebroadcast on August 7 1981 on Culture
  • Archive of Clara Malraux about the looting of the temple in Cambodia in October 1923, “Le Grand Amphi” – INA, June 12, 1971
  • Reading by Riyad Cairat of Michel Leiris, Letter of September 19, 1931 (published in Ghost Africa)
  • Archive of Emmanuel Macron, speech to students in Ouagadougou on the restitution of African heritage in Africa, November 28, 2017


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