Techno Mechanicus, X AE A-XII, Onyx Solace… All these children with improbable first names have star parents

Want to stand out? To bequeath to their descendants this unique character which was already theirs? There are many reasons why stars baptize their children with strange names. If in France, the law requires, the phenomenon is contained, abroad, in the United States in particular, it is sometimes complete rubbish. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West or even Elon Musk have not lacked imagination in this genre… They are not the only ones!

Techno Mechanicus, X AE A-XII, Onyx Solace… All these children with improbable first names have star parents

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In France, many rules govern the choice of the first name that parents will give to the child. Among them, the fact that this choice is not contrary to his interests, either because the first name is rude, or even ridiculous. But there are countries where freedom is much greater…

Damian and Vivian Musk can consider themselves lucky. These two childrenElon Musk, among the eleven that the billionaire had, have the most common first names of all. For others, the call on the first day of school risks leaving teachers taken aback and causing a few fits of laughter. So X AE A-XII… This little boy born in 2020 from Musk’s love affair with the singer Grimes was initially called X AE A-12 but American law, although permissive, considered that a first name could not contain a number. Hence this translation into Roman numerals. For those who seek to understand, his mother explained that “X” was a reference to the sign of an unknown variable, “AE” which is pronounced “Ai” means artificial intelligence. As for “A-12”, it was the precursor of the SR-71, a military spy plane, the couple’s favorite… Considering this surreal first name, the youngest has almost inherited a banal name: Techno Mechanicus

When Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were still together to make decisions, they also had fun. But if their five children all have original first names, we are far from the madness of Elon Musk. And above all, there are more rational explanations. Maddox, 22, inherited his from WelshBrad having origins in this region. Pax Thien, 20 years old, whom his parents adopted in Vietnam takes his middle name from this Asian country, which means “Sky”. As for Pax, the word comes from the Latin, “peace”. A peace that his parents are unable to find at all… Zahara19, was adopted in Ethiopia, hence her name, which means “princess” in Arabic. It was a drama that inspired Angie to name Shiloh, the eldest of the couple’s three natural children. The actress’ mother wanted to name the first child she lost following a miscarriage. Knox And Viviennethe couple’s two twins born 14 years ago, can thank an ancestor of Brad’s who was called Knox for the first and France where they were born for the second, the first name Vivienne having appeared in our country around the year 1900.

Among the Kardashians, inspiration seems to have come a lot from their father, Kanye West, both known for his strong religious postures and for his name, synonymous with a cardinal point. No one knows if it is because he sometimes tends to lose it himself that he baptized his son North. Chicago, whose birthdays are always Homeric inherited the name of a city. And Holy And Psalm (psalm, in French) have obvious biblical origins…

Fantasies at the Beckhams

It seems that quite a few parents went to look for first names in the Atlases. The Beckhams, on the New York side with Brooklyn, because it is there that Victoria, who has just celebrated her 50th birthday in style, learned that she was pregnant. Madonna, also mixing religion, place name and homage to France, baptized her daughter Lourdes. Bradley Cooper and Irina Shayk came up with a name that was obvious to lovers of our country like them, notably Bradley who studied for a year in Aix-en-Provencetheir daughter is called Lea of ​​Seine. He is French but sought inspiration from the Middle East: Jerusalem-Alda, 25, is the daughter of Bruno Beausir, aka Doc Gyneco. Alicia Keys found her son’s name not far away: Egypt. Alec Baldwin drew on his Celtic roots to baptize Ireland the daughter he had with Kim Basinger. When Gwen Stefani traveled to Jamaica: the son she had with Kevin Rossdale is called Kingston.

Julien Clerc and Grand Corps Malay get into the scent

Fruits or flowers can also feed the imagination parental, whether it is Lily-Rose Deppthe daughter of Johnny and Vanessa Paradis, Sistine-Rosethat of Sylvester Stallone, who recently came very close to divorce, going through Purple, first name given by Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner to their daughter but also by Emily Blunt to hers. To stay with the names with strong odorous power, let’s mention Vanillathe daughter of Julien Clerc or even Anise, the son of Fabien Marsaud alias Grand Corps Malade. Finally, in the child-friendly genre, Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin kept it simple: their daughter’s name is Apple.

Katie Holmes gave birth to Suri

Suri Cruise made a lot of talk about her when she was born, particularly in France. But its name has nothing to do with that of a small rodent. The daughter of Tom Cruise, who has not spoken to her father for ten years, and Katie Holmes owes Sarah (princess in Hebrew), from whom it is derived, the choice of her first name. It is also in Hebrew that we must look for the meaning of the first name. Phinnaeus (Oracle), son of Julia Roberts and Danny Moder.

With parents as exceptional as Beyoncé and Jay-Z, we had to expect the extraordinary. And Blue Ivy was born, a first name made up of reference to her dad’s album, Blue Print and to the mother’s favorite number, 4 which is written in Roman IV, and to which it was enough to add a Y. Why keep it simple, like the little girl’s outfits? In the genre, Bruce Willis, who is currently fighting against illness, and Demi Moore have also been very inventive by naming their three daughters Rumer, Scout Larue And Tallulah.

Nakoa-Wolf Manakauapo Namakaeha… Good luck to the teachers and registrars when they deal with Jason Momoa’s son and Lisa Bonnet. The actor of Hawaiian origin chose a first name steeped in his native culture. Nakoa means “warrior”, while his first middle name, Manakauapo, refers to the dark and rainy weather conditions when the baby was born. Her middle name, Namakaeha, is also Momoa’s middle name. For simplicity, his parents call him “Wolfie”…

On the other hand, history does not tell how Lou Doillon nicknamed his son whose full first name is Marlowe Jack Tiggernor if the little Onyx Solacethe daughter of Alanis Morrissette also has her own nickname…



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