United States: To everyone’s surprise, Miss USA returns her crown

United States: To everyone’s surprise, Miss USA returns her crown
United States: To everyone’s surprise, Miss USA returns her crown

Behind the rhinestones and sequins, she was in pain. On Monday, Miss USA announced to everyone’s surprise that she was giving up her crown, after seven months of reign. Elected last September in Reno (Nevada), Noelia Voigt wrote a long text published on Instagram, reports CNN. “My experience as Miss USA was incredibly meaningful (…). Unfortunately, I have made the difficult decision to resign,” writes the 24-year-old from Utah.

Days into Mental Health Awareness Month, the beauty queen suggests she’s not at her psychological best: “Never compromise your physical and mental well-being. Our health is our wealth,” she writes. Noelia Voigt then shares her gratitude for her experience as Miss USA and is optimistic for her future. “Deep down, I know this is just the beginning of a new chapter for me. I am hopeful that I will continue to inspire others to stand strong, prioritize their mental health, and stand up for themselves and others using their voice.”

The Miss USA committee said it “respected and supported” Noelia’s decision. “The well-being of our titleholders is a top priority, and we understand that she has to think about her at this time,” he said, adding that he was considering what to do with this resignation. . According to the rules, the crown should go to the first runner-up, that is to say Alexis Loomans, Miss Wisconsin.

Noelia Voigt became the 72nd Miss USA on September 23, 2023, becoming the first American-Venezuelan to win the crown. She had spoken about the harassment she suffered when she was sixteen and when she entered beauty pageants. “I was really hurt and I didn’t understand why people who I thought were my friends were making fun of me because I was doing something that I was really excited about,” she confided. This injury pushed the young woman to write a book to raise awareness of bullying aimed at children.



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