The artist Chris le Farfadet showed his sculpting talents at the hazelnut festival

The artist Chris le Farfadet showed his sculpting talents at the hazelnut festival
The artist Chris le Farfadet showed his sculpting talents at the hazelnut festival

the essential
During the hazelnut festival, local artist Christophe Faragut, aka Chris le Farfadet, produced an impressive sculptural performance, putting his talent at the service of his hometown, Lavelanet.

During last weekend, local artist Christophe Faragut, aka Chris le Farfadet, put his talent at the service of the hazelnut festival. Impossible to miss his artistic performance.

First attracted by the sound of his chainsaws, visitors were able to appreciate the evolution of the work as they wandered through the municipal park. The sculpture, representing a pyramid of three squirrels, will be entrusted to the Lavelanet town hall by the artist after a stay in the workshop to be refined.

This is not the first work of Chris le Farfadet which will decorate the municipal park. Indeed, he also recently created a triptych on the theme “Weaving links in Pays d’Olmes” from three beech trunks felled by the municipality following a report from the ONF, because they were eaten away by a giant polypore.

“It was necessary to promote this century-old wood with a project based on three strong axes: historical and natural heritage and local production,” explains the artist.
Thus, on the third trunk the symbols of the city are sculpted, including the squirrel and the hazelnut, obviously.

Born in Lavelanet, he spent his childhood in Mirepoix, in the Maison des Consuls, which was the family home before being sold by his great-grandmother to turn it into a hotel. He still lives in the Cathar Pyrenees and is strongly involved in local life through his involvement in the D’Art en arts association, with the Compagnie L’Embarque, in the city animation committee, among others. .

About ten days ago, Chris participated in the final of the French chainsaw sculpting championship organized in . “For my first final, I finished in an honorable 8th place, with my sculpture The Pyrenees, tomb of Pyrene”.

The theme of the main sculpture was “Tales and legends of our countryside”. In Lavelanet last weekend, he wore the outfit of the French championship competitors.



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