The Pompidou Center pays tribute to the movement

The Pompidou Center pays tribute to the movement

It is in 1924 that appeared for the first time the Manifesto of Surrealism by André Breton. One hundred years later, the exhibition “Surrealism” of the Centre Pompidou (the last before its renovation) pays tribute to the leading figures of the movement with an exceptional collection of nearly 140,000 works (drawings, films, paintings, texts, photos) brought together in a multidisciplinary exhibition.

Edith Rimmington Museum 1951 Plume, encre, gouache et aquarelle sur papier 32 x 23,5 cm The Murray Family Collection (UK & USA) Ph © Chris Harrison Photography, Holt. Norfolk © The Estate of Edith Rimmington / Ithell Colquhoun Scylla 1938 Huile sur panneau 91,4 × 61 cm Tate. Purchased, 1977 Ph © Tate © Noise Abatement Society, Samaritans et Spire Healthcare

“Surrealism” at the Pompidou Center

On level 6 (Gallery 1) of the Centre Pompidou, the most famous works of the great names of surrealist movement in a enigmatic exhibition. Designed as a labyrinth – inspired by that of Marcel Duchamp in 1947 – she invites visitors to wander through a winding path designed to plunge them into the limbo of Surrealism and highlight the creative effervescence of a movement that could be classified among the most prolific.

Salvador Dali Face of the Grand Masturbator, 1929 Oil on canvas 110 x 150 cm Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid Salvador Dalí Legacy, 1990 Ph © Photographic Archives Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía © Salvador Dalí, Fundació Gala-Salvador Dali / Adagp, Paris 2024

The image is a pure creation of the mind.

Articulated like a spiral, the exhibition radiates around a “central drum” represented by the manuscript original d’André Bretonloaned for the occasion by the National Library of Franceand highlighted during a audiovisual and immersive projection. The exhibition traces 45 years of Art Historyfrom 1924 to 1969.

Divided into 13 chaptersshe evokes the literary figures who inspired the movement such as Lewis Caroll which we find in particular in the work of Leonora Carrington, and the mythologies which structure its poetic imagination (the artist-medium, the dream, the philosopher’s stone, the forest…). A bold exhibition with an unprecedented configuration!

Event details

Surrealism + Permanent Collection Centre Pompidou


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