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the story bounces back 50 years later…

In England, a farmer saw his Rolex being eaten by a cow in the early 1970s. While he had given up hope of finding it, he had an incredible surprise more than 50 years later.

In the 1970s, a farmer lost his Rolex watch after it was swallowed by a cow, an incident reported by the Daily Star and cited by Le Figaro.

More than 50 years after the incident, the farmer’s son, with the help of a metal detector, found the watch on their farm, although this was not the original objective of their search.

The watch, found in poor condition and no longer working, will not be repaired but kept as a souvenir by the 95-year-old farmer.

He thought he would never find her again. In the early 1970s, a farmer was in possession of a magnificent Rolex watch. But one day her bracelet broke. And while he was taking his cows to the vet, the improbable happened.The bracelet was loose and the cow ate it. I looked carefully, but I have never found it since.” explained the farmer to the Daily Star, and quoted by Le Figaro.

Since then, the man had lost hope of ever getting his hands on his precious watch. But more than 50 years later, he was treated to a very nice surprise when his son brought a man with a metal detector. The latter in fact combed the farm and ended up getting his hands on the missing Rolex, even though he had not specifically come to find the object.

A watch in very poor condition

Unfortunately, the time spent inside the cow ended up taking its toll on the general condition of the watch, which was exhumed strongly degraded. But although it no longer works, the 95-year-old breeder assured that he had no intention of having it repaired. “It would cost a fortune, so I’ll just keep it as a souvenir,” confided the farmer, before adding: I only have half of the bracelet – the other half must have disintegrated.”


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