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Moroccans call for help

The fate of Moroccans stranded in Lebanon, which has become the scene of a tragedy, concerns Rachid Hammouni, president of the Progress and Socialism group in the House of Representatives. He addresses a written question to Nasser Bourita, Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans living abroad, on this subject.

“It is natural, due to this dangerous security situation, that Moroccan citizens residing in Lebanon, particularly in the cities targeted by the raids, feel worry and fear for their safety and that of members of their families accompanying them,” estimates Rachid Hammouni in his written question. According to the Lebanese Ministry of Health, nearly 700 people have been killed in Lebanon this week, including many civilians.

To read: Lebanon: the desperate appeal of Moroccans to King Mohammed VI

“This feeling has pushed a large number of them to send appeals to the competent Moroccan authorities in order to help them return safely to their country, Morocco, either by scheduling exceptional flights or by any other possible means and safe,” said the elected official. According to him, “some of them expressed their inability to bear the costs of the few available flights, in a context where many international airlines have canceled their flights to and from Lebanon due to the deterioration of the security situation. »

To read: GNV: 48 hours of hell for MREs stranded in Morocco

Based on these findings, Rachid Hammouni, president of the Progress and Socialism group in the House of Representatives, asks Nasser Bourita, Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Abroad, to communicate the measures taken by his department to respond to calls from members of the Moroccan community residing in Lebanon, to organize air flights to repatriate them safely.


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