Comedian Cathy Gauthier announced Monday on her social networks that she was leaving her position at Énergie.
She shared the microphone of the morning show with Martin Tremblay, Rémi-Pierre Paquin and François Pérusse.
She explains her decision in a short text full of emotions published on her social networks. You can read it below.
She encourages people suffering from the same problems as her to listen to themselves more. “ Become the priority of your life “, she said in particular.
« Dear listeners and colleagues,
It is with great emotion that I announce to you that I must take a break from my mornings with you. I love to accompany you and entertain you, but the early and atypical schedule has become too brutal. The lack of sleep and the lack of time spent with my daughter had a real harmful impact on my physical and mental health.
-Not getting enough sleep is one thing, but the mother in me suffered greatly from not being able to witness important moments with my child. Obviously, I couldn’t be there in the morning to take her to school and in the evening I was often anxious juggling my work and my role as a mother. I literally felt like I had a grand piano on my back… I was handing over my bench for a while to someone else who could play it for me! I should have stopped sooner, but I continued, motivated by fear of the disapproving judgment of others and also because it is exhilarating and rewarding work. Gandhi said: “Be the change you want to see in the world. » This is what I intend to embody in 2025. So I’m starting with that, more love and esteem for myself. If my words resonate with you, I invite you to do the same. Become the priority of your life. I won’t be far away.
I will come back stronger than ever.
I love you. Take care of yourself. »
We congratulate her for listening and wish her well-deserved rest and good time with her casserole!