This is a new directive which concerns obtaining their license: student drivers will be assessed, both as part of their theoretical and practical exam, on their knowledge of driving assistance systems. This measure will come into force on July 1.
New vehicles have more and more technical equipment aimed primarily at improving safety. But encore you have to know how to use them judiciously. And it is for this purpose that candidates for driving licenses will be examined: “The aim of driving assistance systems is to avoid accidents. According to a BPA assessment, their appropriate use could reduce accidents by 50%. », Explains Philippe Burri, the director of SCAN, the cantonal automobile and navigation service. “We must now ensure that drivers are informed of the existence of these systems and, above all, that they can use them wisely. »
All new vehicles today are required to be equipped, for example, with emergency braking assistance, an object detector when reversing or a drowsiness detector. It is not driving that becomes more complex, but the dashboard that becomes richer with information. And knowing how to master all these systems shouldn’t just concern new drivers: “For old drivers, it’s a challenge. And we consider that on this topic, they should follow continuing training, take one or two hours of driving to be able to master these aids correctly, even if it is not obligatory. »
This new provision for obtaining a license presents a paradox: student drivers are still authorized to take the test with their own vehicle, even if the latter is not equipped with driving assistance systems. It becomes difficult to control their practical knowledge in this area: “If a vehicle that takes the exam benefits from driving aids, we will ask the student driver to use this system. But otherwise, we won’t be able to do it. We can already raise awareness among the candidate through theoretical questions,” assures Philippe Burri.
The Federal Roads Office has not yet planned everything to impose the learning of driving assistance systems. This may only be provisional: “At the moment, it is not our intention to require a certain number of driving aids during the test. But that’s for now.”
For its part, the TCS says it is in favor of the use of technologies which make it possible to improve road safety and reduce the number of accidents: “We nevertheless remind that the driver must remain in control of his vehicle and be ready to regain control at any time,” adds Jordan Girod, the association’s spokesperson. /mne