Still wick and wise promises, how Keir Starmer wants to restore seriousness to the United Kingdom

Published on July 2, 2024 at 09:13. / Modified on July 2, 2024 at 09:37.

When Keir Starmer became Northern Ireland’s police adviser in 2003, with the scars of the bloody unionist-republican conflict still fresh, the forty-something lawyer made a decision about his policy: he vowed not to get any more traffic fines. Not that he had gotten many before, but he felt that with the job, his behaviour had to be absolutely impeccable.

The anecdote symbolises the extreme caution with which the man who is the big favourite to become Prime Minister of the United Kingdom after the general elections this Thursday is acting. The Labour Party, which he has led for four years, has a 20-point lead in the polls. “For the Conservatives, the seat forecasts range from really bad to completely catastrophic,” estimate political scientists Stephen Fisher and Jake Dibden, who run the website Elections Etc. Barring an earthquake, Keir Starmer will enter 10 Downing Street at the age of 61.

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