Far-right leads legislative elections: a “shock” and a “new era” for the foreign press

For several days now, the foreign press has been alarmed by a victory for the extreme right in the legislative elections in France.

Fears were heightened after the results of the first round, which saw the RN and its allies come out on top in the poll.

Several media are reporting on the “shock” that this election represents in Europe.

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“The far right beats Macron and shocks Europe.” The title of the Spanish daily The world sums up the feeling of many media outlets on the Old Continent. While the National Rally and its allies came out on top in the first round of the legislative elections on Sunday, June 30, the foreign press is widely covering the results of this election, which for the first time sees a far-right party come out on top in a national election in France.

Pour The world, In the event of victory next week and an absolute majority in Parliament, Marine Le Pen and her party could “open a new era in France”. A change also highlighted by the other major Spanish media, The countrywhich headlines on the “First victory of the extreme right in legislative elections” in a country “which forms the heart of the European Union”.

An electoral “earthquake”

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In Germany, Bild evokes a “electoral earthquake” and one “Le Pen shock for President Macron”. On the Belgian side, the media point to a day which “will undoubtedly go down in history.” Free Belgium made its headlines on the “Prelude to the triumph of the far right”. The weather believes for its part the RN “so close to power” : “As macronia collapses, there is one week left to prevent the far right from obtaining an absolute majority in the Assembly,” underlines the Swiss media. In Italy, The Republica evokes the victory of Marine Le Pen and “a divided France” and the Corriere della Sera pointe “the advance of the right” and the “republican blockage” called for by President Emmanuel Macron.

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    Le Pen, Chenu, Faure, Bompard, Rousseau, Panot… more than 60 candidates elected in the first round of the legislative elections

On the United Kingdom side, the Guardian estimate that “The far-right National Rally is set to become the main French party after the first round of elections.” The Times he believes that “Le Pen’s far-right party humiliated Macron” and stresses that from now on, the best the French president can hope for is, “It is a Parliament without a majority, without a party capable of forming a government, and a France faced with months of legislative impasse and political chaos.” Finally, the BBC headlines: “the French far right which celebrates and seeks a majority”, believing that the “pari” of Emmanuel Macron to dissolve the National Assembly “risks today of upsetting the political order” In France.

“Can anyone stop Le Pen?”

Across the Atlantic, in the United States, the Wall Street Journal assures that if “For decades, France’s two-round voting system has functioned as a bulwark against parties at the extreme ends of the political spectrum,” This time seems to be over, while the New York Times point it “serious setback” suffered by Emmanuel Macron “after betting that the victory of the National Rally in the recent European elections would not be repeated”.

Finally, Politico now asks himself: “Macron is already out of date. Can anyone stop Le Pen?” and the specialized site emphasizes: “Europe’s second-largest economy and its only nuclear power have never been closer to forming a far-right government for the first time, after Marine Le Pen’s National Rally (RN) took a dramatic lead in of the first phase of the vote”.




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