“It’s my turn to represent our coalition in the 3rd debate,” responds environmentalist Marine Tondelier to Jordan Bardella

“It’s my turn to represent our coalition in the 3rd debate,” responds environmentalist Marine Tondelier to Jordan Bardella
“It’s my turn to represent our coalition in the 3rd debate,” responds environmentalist Marine Tondelier to Jordan Bardella

“Am I to understand that you do not dare to argue with me?” The secretary of Ecologists-EELV, Marine Tondelier, responded to Jordan Bardella, Monday July 1. The president of the National Rally (RN) had earlier proposed a debate to Jean-Luc Mélenchon in view of the second round of the legislative elections on Sunday, where the RN will face the New Popular Front in most constituencies. “After Manuel Bompard [LFI] and Olivier Faure [PS], It’s my turn to represent our coalition in the 3rd debate”, wrote Marine Tondelier. Follow our live stream.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon also responds to Jordan Bardella. “Mr Bardella is right, there is a need for a debate between the two projects for the French.”affirmed for his part the rebellious leader on “candidate of the New Popular Front for prime minister has not been nominated”. “He must therefore address the rebels, the leading movement in terms of the number of elected representatives in the first round of the New Front. popular”he adds.

The day after. The National Rally and its allies led by Eric Ciotti came out on top in the first round of early legislative elections, with 33.15% of the vote, followed by the left-wing parties of the New Popular Front (27.99%) and the coalition of the presidential camp grouped under the banner Ensemble (21%), according to the almost final figures from the Ministry of the Interior. The campaign between the two rounds begins on Monday.

Yael Braun-Pivet and Bruno Le Maire maintain a distinction between LFI and the rest of the left. “Concerning the left bloc, the vast majority of the bloc is Republican and we can call on people to vote for them and that is what I do for the socialists, ecologists and communists”, declared Monday Yaël Braun-Pivet, outgoing president of the National Assembly, guest of BFMTV. She urges voters in the presidential camp who would have to choose between the RN and LFI in the second round to decide “case by case”. The Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, for his part called on France Inter to vote in the second round of the legislative elections for “a candidate from the social-democratic camp” without including LFI.

An LR vice-president regrets the absence of voting instructions from her party. Faced with the possibility of a far-right majority in the National Assembly on the evening of the second round, July 7, the left-wing coalition chose to withdraw for its candidates who came in third position and were in a tie in the second round. triangular ones. On the right, the Republicans, who did not follow Eric Ciotti to the RN, do not give their voters any voting instructions. “Personally, I regret this lack of choice,” declared Virginie Duby-Muller, one of the vice-presidents of LR, a guest on France Inter on Monday.

Raquel Garrido, outgoing LFI MP, “ready” to withdraw. While the left-wing coalition chose to withdraw for its candidates who came in third position and were in a tie in triangulars, Raquel Garrido admitted on TF1 to be concerned. The one who only collected 23.65% of the votes in her constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis, ahead of the official NFP candidate and a UDI candidate, said “ready” to step back.

Sébastien Chenu assures that the RN is solicited by its adversaries. “We have received a number of calls from MPs, including from the majority,” assured RN MP Sébastien Chenu on Monday, guest of “4V” on France 2. While his party came out on top in the first round, he declared himself in favour of alliances if the RN wins a relative majority in the National Assembly in the second round. “If there is the ability to find support [d’autres partis]we will assume this responsibility before the French people”, he lets know.



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