Joe Biden, still caught in the turmoil

Joe Biden, still caught in the turmoil
Joe Biden, still caught in the turmoil

“To serve his country, President Biden should quit the race.” This is the title of the unprecedented editorial in the “NYT”, published Friday evening.

An American Tragedy

The New York Times, for its part, has ruled. “There is no reason for the party to risk the stability and security of the country by forcing voters to choose between the deficiencies of Mr. Trump and those of Mr. Biden,” wrote the newspaper’s editorial board. This, after observing that “the president emerged Thursday night as a shadow of a leader.” “He struggled to explain what he would accomplish in a second term. He struggled to respond to Mr. Trump’s provocations. He struggled to point out Donald Trump’s lies, failures and frightening plans. More than once, he struggled to finish a sentence.”

Too risky a bet?

Joe Biden nevertheless spent his weekend trying to forget this episode and reassuring party donors. “I didn’t have a good evening but neither did Trump,” said the Democratic candidate, appearing in great form during one of the gatherings organized in the states of New York and New Jersey, in the northeast of the UNITED STATES. Former President Barack Obama also came to the rescue, assuring that “bad debates happen”, but that this election “remained a choice” between someone “who fought all his life for the simple people” and Donald Trump, “who only cares about himself.”

Joe Biden defends himself after his failed performance against Donald Trump: “I don’t debate as well as before but I know how to do this job”

After Thursday evening’s debate, this dichotomy and the rejection of Donald Trump may no longer be enough to save the Democrats. As the NYT reminded us, “it is too big a gamble to hope that Americans will overlook or ignore Mr. Biden’s age and infirmity, which they see with their own eyes.”



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