Israel-Hezbollah conflict: Belgium urges its nationals to leave Lebanon “as quickly as possible”

Israel-Hezbollah conflict: Belgium urges its nationals to leave Lebanon “as quickly as possible”
Israel-Hezbollah conflict: Belgium urges its nationals to leave Lebanon “as quickly as possible”
Conflict between Israel and pro-Iranian Hezbollah: Germany urges its nationals to leave Lebanon

Canada, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands have posted warning messages on their official websites and social networks. Germany is concerned about a “increased risk of terrorist attacks” and warned that “The security situation in the region is very volatile“and that one”Further escalation of the situation and an extension of the conflict cannot be ruled out“. France also said “extremely concerned by the seriousness of the situation” on his X account (ex-Twitter), while the United States and Moscow dissuade their citizens from going to Lebanese territory.

The Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for its part, advises against all travel to Lebanon, warning that the security situation “may deteriorate without notice” and that'”“In the event of an intensification of hostilities, the entire territory could be affected”The institution asks Belgian nationals to leave Lebanese territory”as soon as possible, as long as commercial flights remain available“.

However, “an evacuation of the Belgians is not currently envisaged” car “There are several commercial ways to leave the country“, declares David Jordens, spokesperson for the FPS Foreign Affairs. Currently, more than 1,850 Belgian nationals are registered with the embassy in Lebanon, and around a hundred are registered on the national Travelers Online platform. Nevertheless, “It is very likely that many more Belgians“are located on Lebanese territory and are not listed in these databases,” warns the representative.

Lebanon returned to the “Stone Age”

Shortly after the attack carried out by Hamas on Israeli soil on October 7, the Hezbollah organization engaged in hostilities with the Hebrew state, in support of the Palestinian movement. Indeed, both are part of the “Axis of Resistance”, an alliance of several armed factions allied with the Islamic Republic of Iran, intended to fight and annihilate “the Little and the Great Satan”, namely Israel and the United States.

The military clashes between the two neighbors, initially measured, have intensified in recent weeks and the confrontations are now daily. Nine months after the start of hostilities in the Gaza Strip, nearly 500 deaths have been recorded on the Lebanese side, around thirty on the Israeli side. Already in May, the damage caused by Israeli bombings in South Lebanon since October 8 amounted to approximately $1.5 billion according to Hashem Haidar, the head of the Southern Council, the official institution responsible for assessing the damage in the region. The United Nations, for its part, has already warned that an extension of the war would be “potentially apocalyptic” on the humanitarian level, via the voice of the head of humanitarian affairs, Martin Griffiths.

Spread to Lebanon of Middle East war ‘potentially apocalyptic’

Deaf to the warnings of the international community, the government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu continues its bombings in southern Lebanese territory. During his visit to Washington on June 26, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant assured that his country had “the ability to take Lebanon back to the Stone Age“, ensuring however that the Hebrew State does not “wanted to“not from a war but”was preparing for any scenario“.

In the event of open conflict between the two camps, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah promised to mobilize his troops “without rules and without limits“, just after the militia threatened to attack the island of Cyprus if it allows Israel to use its territory as a launching pad for its missiles.



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