Belgian Defence acquires a new minesweeper: here is the “Tournai” and the specific features of this state-of-the-art vessel

Belgian Defence acquires a new minesweeper: here is the “Tournai” and the specific features of this state-of-the-art vessel
Belgian Defence acquires a new minesweeper: here is the “Tournai” and the specific features of this state-of-the-art vessel

The Belgian Defense will soon be equipped with a new mine-clearing vessel. The ship is currently under construction in Brittany and will soon be delivered to us. Its name: the Tournai, the very city where the Minister of Defense is from. On site, in Concarneau, our journalist Simon François presents the specific features of this state-of-the-art boat.

The Tournai is our new state-of-the-art mine clearer under construction in Brittany. It is an M941.

The main specificity of this ship is its hull. It was in fact entirely designed with steel. Until now, a mine hunter used a plastic hull to not attract mines that were sometimes magnetized.

“Here, we change our philosophy”, Simon François, RTL info special correspondent in Concarneau, tells us. “Belgium decided to build a boat that would stay outside the minefield and could work with a whole series of drones, aerial drones, surface drones and underwater drones, a sort of remote-controlled torpedo that can be used to clear an area of ​​mines.”

The Tournai is the second ship of an order for six placed in the Breton shipyard. There is still a lot of work to be done to finalize its construction. All six minehunters ordered by the Defense should be ready for 2030.

tournai defense mine clearer



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