Legislative elections 2024: the parachuting of Philippe Poutou tenses the Aude PS which is considering a dissident candidacy

Legislative elections 2024: the parachuting of Philippe Poutou tenses the Aude PS which is considering a dissident candidacy
Legislative elections 2024: the parachuting of Philippe Poutou tenses the Aude PS which is considering a dissident candidacy

The appointment of Philippe Poutou to represent the New Popular Front in the legislative elections in the 1st constituency of Aude is not accepted by the Aude socialists. A dissident candidacy is mentioned.

Comments on the parachuting of Philippe Poutou, leader of the New Anticapitalist Party, to carry the colors of the New Popular Front in the first Aude constituency, were well underway this Saturday morning in Carcassonne, portal of the Jacobins, on the occasion of the rally against the ‘far right. Because the news, revealed this Friday, had the effect of a bomb in the left camp. Among the Aude socialists, the time has come for consternation. “Philippe Poutou, it’s a shame. The socialists will vote blank. Meanwhile, the RN is laughing. Barthès, he has already won. When you see that, it’s lamentable”, ruminated an activist. Another still couldn’t believe it. “After Sunday night, I thought I had seen it all. But since then, it hasn’t stopped. And now, they’re coming to make a mess of us.” Off the record, elected officials did not have harsh enough words to criticize this decision. “Disastrous”, “a masquerade”. Everyone was, to say the least, embarrassed around the edges. “It’s a very bad experience. We would have understood if we had a strong industrial base with companies in difficulty. But not in Aude. How can we encourage people to vote now. Barthès is at peace.”

The rebels are not shocked

So much so that a dissident candidacy is mentioned against Poutou. We mention a member of the Radical Left Party. For the socialist wing of the department, the incarnation of a left-wing candidacy in the first constituency of Aude cannot be done by Philippe Poutou.

Read also :
2024 legislative elections: in Aude, Philippe Poutou candidate of the Popular Front in the 1st constituency

On the side of the sympathizers of France Insoumise, the reading was not the same. “This does not shock me. He has the right to be invested by LFI. He joined the popular front.” As a reminder, as part of the union of the left of the New Popular Front, Marine Toro (LFI), already a candidate in 2017 in this first constituency, had applied but she had learned at the end of the afternoon, Friday , by the national management of LFI that the choice had fallen on Philippe Poutou. Jacques Vieules, Trebean rebel, “does not understand the reaction of the Aude socialists”. “Poutou is part of the agreement of the new Popular Front. It is La France insoumise which invested it, this is not the time to divide. We must campaign to win against the National Rally.” Philippe Poutou will be the only NPA candidate in these legislative elections (577 constituencies). And so it is in Aude.



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