Bürgenstock: 92 countries expected at the peace conference

Bürgenstock: 92 countries expected at the peace conference
Bürgenstock: 92 countries expected at the peace conference

Ninety-two countries will participate in the peace conference

Published today at 5:52 p.m. Updated 1 hour ago

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A total of 92 countries, including almost 60 heads of state and government, will participate in the Ukraine Peace Conference in Bürgenstock (NW). British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is now announced. Saudi Arabia will send its head of diplomacy.

The list published online on Friday by the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) includes nearly fifty Western countries. As expected, Brazil will be an observer, like the Holy See.

As recently as Thursday, sources close to the matter said that the British delegation would be led by Foreign Secretary David Cameron. Now, Mr. Sunak, in difficulty a few weeks before the elections in his country, is announced.

Among the BRICS, India has decided to send a senior official from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Pavan Kapoor, until recently ambassador to Russia. Saudi Arabia will send its Foreign Minister Faisal bin Fahrad al-Saud.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky landed Friday afternoon at Zurich airport, noted a Keystone-ATS photographer. He then continued his journey by helicopter to Bürgenstock (NW).

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“I arrived in Switzerland for the World Peace Summit. There will be two days of active work with countries from all regions of the world, with different nations who are nevertheless united by the common goal of bringing Ukraine closer to a just and lasting peace,” Zelensky said. in a message on the social network


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