“Use of a steamroller”, “scenes of chaos”… Jean-Luc Moudenc’s rant after two tense demonstrations

“Use of a steamroller”, “scenes of chaos”… Jean-Luc Moudenc’s rant after two tense demonstrations
“Use of a steamroller”, “scenes of chaos”… Jean-Luc Moudenc’s rant after two tense demonstrations

the essential
The anti-RN demonstrations which followed the European elections and the announcement of the dissolution of the Assembly were punctuated by clashes at the end. The mayor of Toulouse calls for calm.

The anti-RN demonstrations following the European elections and the announcement of the dissolution caused tensions on Monday and Wednesday evening. Jean-Luc Moudenc denounces Monday as “a wild demonstration but relayed by far-left political personalities and organizations.”

Radical individuals have started a steamroller!

On Monday and Wednesday, radical individuals confronted the police and committed damage. The rally at the beginning of the week “ended with clashes, fires, destruction of street furniture, and even the use of a steamroller for destruction and ransacking. TBS school , in particular, suffered numerous damages […] Many businesses had their windows stoned,” notes the mayor of Toulouse.

Wednesday “the demonstration once again ended with damage with, in particular, around ten containers set on fire in the Étienne Billières, Déodat de Severac, Croix de Pierre, Avenue de Lombez sector” adds the councilor.

The mayor of Toulouse is not losing his temper.

“This bitch is no longer admissible”

That the street is a place of public expression seems perfectly acceptable to me, but that systematically, Toulouse is the scene of this nonsense is no longer admissible” insists Jean-Luc Moudenc.

In anticipation of a new anti-RN rally on Saturday at the call of the CGT, FSU, CFDT, UNSA and Solidaires trade union organizations, the mayor of Toulouse “asks the parties claiming to be part of the Popular Front and the unions to take their responsibilities, to secure processions, to call for calm and to hold their ranks” because “Toulouse must no longer be the scene of these scenes of chaos.”



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