meeting America which is struggling to heal itself

meeting America which is struggling to heal itself
meeting America which is struggling to heal itself

Published on 27/10/2024 21:01

Reading time: 1min – video: 5min

American presidential election: meeting America which is struggling to heal itself
American presidential election: meeting America which is struggling to heal itself
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Head to Texas and Alabama, in the United States, where going to the doctor or hospital is becoming impossible for a certain number of Americans.

In the United States, a trip to the doctor can cost the equivalent of four tanks of gas. Victim of a heart attack, Ronald, 41, spent four days in hospital without being insured. He then received multiple bills totaling more than $36,000 in medical bills. He has launched an online fundraiser and hopes to negotiate a lower price, a possible operation in the United States. Like him, nearly one in two Americans report having medical debt.

In Alabama, one of the poorest states, health care has become a luxury that many residents cannot afford. “Poor people, like me, put off going to the doctor as long as possible”confides a woman.

And when patients no longer seek treatment, the health system falters. In Thomasville, a rural area, a brand new hospital has just closed. The mayor, Sheldon Day, fought for years to open the private establishment, which was one of the best equipped in the region. The money coming in was no longer sufficient, with many patients unable to pay. “Here, 83% of hospitals in rural areas are in the red“, he said.

Some are therefore seeking to rethink the model. In Tuscaloosa (Alabama, United States), a company that produces aluminum has created its own clinic, where employees and their families can receive treatment free of charge. More and more companies are choosing this independent model.

Watch the full report in the video above.




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