The alligator: a fierce mother

The alligator: a fierce mother
The alligator: a fierce mother

The alligator, which only lives in the United States, Mexico and China, is an aquatic reptile with a terrifying appearance: the American species measures 4 m in length and weighs 360 kg on average, and its immense mouth is lined with 74 to 80 sharp teeth. It has not evolved for 8 million years, which explains its prehistoric appearance. But we must not trust our prejudices about this formidable cold-blooded hunter: if we tend to associate maternal tenderness with cute mammals, this large armored marsh lizard is surprisingly not to be outdone.

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The alligator dance

Mating season begins in spring, when alligators gather in large numbers for group courtship rituals, called “alligator dances.” Fertilized females build a nest of vegetation and mud alone in a sheltered place or near water, where they lay 20 to 50 eggs which they cover with plant debris. These heat up as they decompose, keeping the eggs warm during their 65 days of incubation. The temperature is crucial, determining the sex of the young: above 34°C, they will be males, at 30°C and below, they will be females, and in between the two genders will be represented. The female fiercely guards her eggs, beginning to hear the cries of her babies before they are even born.

A caring mother

When hatching begins, the mother delicately carries them in her mouth to the water. She shakes her head gently to encourage them to swim. If some eggs have not yet hatched, she rolls them around in her mouth to help the last little ones emerge. The mother monitors them and constantly maintains contact with them through their vocalizations because they are vulnerable to birds, large fish, raccoons and adult alligators. Her group of cubs will stay with her for one to two years. In case of danger, they call their mother who immediately comes to their aid.

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The World of Animals & Nature is a quarterly magazine.– The World of Animals n°48

The World of Animals & Nature is a magazine dedicated to wildlife from around the world. Through captivating stories and sublime photographs, the magazine offers a true visual safari in the heart of nature.



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