Emmanuel Macron “shares the pain” of Ukrainians after a Russian strike on a hypermarket in Kharkiv

Emmanuel Macron “shares the pain” of Ukrainians after a Russian strike on a hypermarket in Kharkiv
Emmanuel Macron “shares the pain” of Ukrainians after a Russian strike on a hypermarket in Kharkiv
SERGEY BOBOK / AFP Ukrainian firefighters intervene to put out a fire in a supermarket after a Russian attack, in Kharkiv, May 25, 2024.


Ukrainian firefighters intervene to put out a fire in a supermarket after a Russian attack, in Kharkiv, May 25, 2024.

INTERNATIOAL – France ” sharing “ the punishment. Emmanuel Macron judged “unacceptable” the Russian strike on a DIY hypermarket in Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second city, which left at least four dead and dozens injured this Saturday, May 25, according to kyiv.

“France remains fully mobilized alongside [des Ukrainiens] »wrote the head of state about X, deploring the “many victims” after this strike, “children, women, men”, ” families “.

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As you can see in the video shared by the Ukrainian president below, a thick plume of smoke escapes from the building of the Epitsentr hypermarket chain which sells household appliances and DIY products. According to the authorities, between 10,000 and 15,000 m2 were taken by the flames.

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“200 people” inside the store

Earlier in the day, President Volodymyr Zelensky deplored on Telegram a “ another brutal blow to our city of Kharkiv » after this attack which took place “in the middle of the day. “At present, we know that more than 200 people may have been inside the hypermarket. All services are already on site to help rescue people and put out the fire”he added.

Still in uniform, Lyubov, a cleaner at the hypermarket, recounted how she fled the store. “It happened suddenly. At first we didn’t understand, everything went black and everything started to fall on our heads.”did she say. “Luckily my phone turned on, thanks to its torch I found where I was, but in front of us everything was already burning”.

According to the regional governor, Oleg Synegubov, this attack was carried out using two guided aerial bombs. “A large number of people are missing. There are many injured”for his part indicated Mayor Igor Terekhov.

Call to Western Allies

On Saturday evening, a new strike hit central Kharkiv, injuring 14 people in an area where there is a post office, a hair salon and a cafe, according to the city’s mayor Igor Terekhov.

After this umpteenth attack, Volodymyr Zelensky once again called on Western allies to provide more anti-aircraft defense systems to his country. “If Ukraine had sufficient air defense systems and modern combat aircraft, such Russian strikes would have been impossible”pleaded the president. “Every day we appeal to the world: give us air defense, save people”.

The city of Kharkiv, which had 1.5 million inhabitants before the war and located near the Russian border in northeastern Ukraine, is regularly targeted by Moscow’s forces, which also launched attacks on May 10 a ground offensive in the region.

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