family infected with rare parasite after eating undercooked bear kebabs

family infected with rare parasite after eating undercooked bear kebabs
family infected with rare parasite after eating undercooked bear kebabs

The American Center for Disease Control (CDC) warned this Friday, May 24, about the consumption of bears, responsible for the infection with a rare parasite of a family in the state of South Dakota.

A surprising reminder of good practices when it comes to game consumption. Friday, May 24, the American Center for Disease Control (CDC) spoke out after the discovery of a rare parasite, roundworm, in the bodies of seven members of the same family in the state of Dakota. South.

What all these people have in common: they ate the same meal in 2022, black bear skewers. The beast had been hunted in the province of Saskatchewan, Canada, and remained frozen for 45 days. A trapper had assured them that this method made it possible to get rid of parasites, wrongly.

“People who eat wild game meat should know that proper cooking is the only reliable way to kill parasites,” the CDC said in a statement cited by Fox News. It is also noted that the game had been served rare to the guests.

Hospitalization, muscle pain, fever

As early as July 2022, just six days after ingesting the bear skewers, a 29-year-old man – who had meanwhile returned to Minnesota after the family reunion – showed up at the hospital. The patient presented typical symptoms of infection with this parasite: fever, severe muscle pain, swelling around the eyes, etc.

The infection led to the patient being hospitalized twice in less than three weeks. It was during the second visit that doctors discovered that he had eaten black bear. They were thus able to diagnose the probable infection by the parasite.

The man was prescribed empirical treatment with albendazole, a product “used to treat infections caused by worms (…) It prevents the worm from absorbing sugar, causing it to lose energy and die,” as the hospital explained to CBS.

Alerted after the first diagnosis, the Minnesota Department of Health contacted the rest of the family. Six were found to be carriers of the parasite, some having not even consumed the meat, but only the accompaniment, which had come into contact with it. All of these people have been treated and are out of the woods.

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