Order targeting Israel | Trudeau expects ‘everyone’ to respect ICJ rulings

Order targeting Israel | Trudeau expects ‘everyone’ to respect ICJ rulings
Order targeting Israel | Trudeau expects ‘everyone’ to respect ICJ rulings

(Ottawa) Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Friday that the International Court of Justice (ICJ) order is “aligned” with Canada’s position regarding the Israeli military offensive in Rafah.

Posted at 3:21 p.m.

Updated at 4:34 p.m.

Nojoud Al Mallees

The Canadian Press

“Canada’s position has been clear for many weeks now: we need an immediate ceasefire, Hamas must lay down its arms, release all the hostages. But there must also be no military operations in Rafah by Israel,” Mr. Trudeau said Friday at a press conference in Halifax.

“The ICJ’s proposals are binding and we hope that everyone will follow them, under international law. »

The highest judicial body of the United Nations ordered Israel on Friday to “immediately stop its military offensive” in Rafah, in the south of the Gaza Strip, without ordering a ceasefire in the Palestinian enclave.

This highly targeted decision by the ICJ sends a triple message to Israel: end the military offensive in Rafah, allow war crimes investigators access to the Gaza Strip, and immediately facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid in the region.

The ruling is a blow to Israel’s international reputation, but the court does not have a police force to enforce its orders.

Benny Gantz, one of three members of Israel’s war cabinet, announced Friday that his country’s military would not change course on Rafah, despite the recent ICJ order.

“The State of Israel is determined to continue the fight to secure the release of the hostages and promise the safety of its citizens – wherever and whenever necessary, including in Rafah,” Gantz said.

His comments constitute Israel’s most significant reaction to the ICJ decision; Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu did not immediately react publicly on Friday.

Mr. Trudeau reiterated Friday that for Canada, the “two-state solution” constitutes the only solution for the Middle East. But he deplored the fact that the Israeli government is obstructing this process.

“We need a peaceful, secure and democratic State of Israel, and a peaceful, secure and democratic Palestinian State: this is the only solution, in the medium and long term,” the Prime Minister repeated.

“Unfortunately, the current government of Israel, the government of Netanyahu, has not only ruled out the possibility of a two-state solution: it is actively trying to prevent it.

“This is not what Israelis need. This is not what the people of the region need,” said Mr. Trudeau.



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