the rapprochement between terrorists and Tuaregs confirms the government’s strategy – La Nouvelle Tribune

THE Maliconfronted with persistent security challenges, has adopted a firm approach towards armed groups operating on its territory. This policy is based on uniform treatment of all groups, except those who choose to lay down their arms. This strict framework aims to restore peace and maintain order, underlining the government’s commitment not to tolerate armed violence regardless of the perpetrator or the claim put forward. Criticized for this strategy, it ultimately seems that the Malian government has chosen the right strategy given the developments in northern Mali.

A revealing connection

A recent development has seen the Permanent Strategic Framework for the Defense of the People of Azawad (CSP-DPA) and the Support Group for Islam and Muslims (GSIM), approach in a context of increased pressure. The announcement of this proximity, broadcast by Algabass Ag Intalla, is not so much a formal alliance as a survival tactic, illustrating the constant pressure exerted by government forces.

This rapprochement is symptomatic of the complex power dynamics in the region. Historically, such alliances were strategic and temporary, formed under duress rather than through true unity of intention. This phenomenon highlights the accuracy of the government’s strategy, which through its pressure, forces armed groups to reassess their positions and alliances.

Recent negotiations between the CSP-DPA and the GSIM signal the difficulty for the rebels to progress without negotiating with other armed groups. These talks, born under military pressure, validate the government strategy of restricting the movements of armed groups and forcing them into an impasse.

A pragmatic alliance

The rebel spokesperson Mohamed Elmaouloud Ramadane clarified that this proximity does not amount to a formal alliance, but to a non-aggression pact. This situation demonstrates the validation of the Malian government’s strategy, which through its vigilance and military operations has forced these groups into tactical reorganization rather than expansion.

The evolution of these interactions between the CSP-DPA and the GSIM reaffirms the relevance of the Malian strategy. By denouncing and anticipating such developments, the Malian government strengthens its position and justifies its rigorous security policies. These developments confirm the need for continued vigilance and an adapted strategic response to guarantee the stability of Mali.



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