Johnny and Stessy cannot enjoy their happiness because of the name given to their child, “everyone makes fun of us”

Johnny and Stessy cannot enjoy their happiness because of the name given to their child, “everyone makes fun of us”
Johnny and Stessy cannot enjoy their happiness because of the name given to their child, “everyone makes fun of us”

Johnny and Stessy had an idyllic start to 2024 with the birth of their third child. A little boy who decided to meet his parents and his two sisters, Kayla (6) and Kenzianne (3 years old), on January 1 at 12:36 a.m. at the maternity ward in Saint-Malo, . A happy event that the little family shared with the local newspaper, Ouest-France.

Johnny and Stessy – FB

But since the publication of this article, Johnny and Stessy’s joy has unfortunately given way to distress as well as sadness. The reason? The cyberharassment they suffer for the first name given to their third child: Kaymronne. “We feel completely humiliated,” the parents confide to BFMTV, who are also launching a desperate appeal. ” Stop, please. We didn’t ask anyone for anything, just leave us alone. » It must be said that the social media court was particularly virulent with this Breton couple who simply shared their happiness and who chose a first name that they liked. “A beau’s first name”, “A stupid first name”, “Abuse”, “Intellectual delay in parents”, “Irresponsible parents”, “It’s good to want to stand out and be different from others but by wanting to be original too much, it becomes nonsense”… we could read in the comments of the Ouest-France article or even on other French media.

The cyberbullying was so bad that Johnny and Stessy requested that the Facebook post in question be deleted. “We were told that it was the name of a dog, of a dog and so on… It’s very heavy, we should be happy right now and in fact everyone is making fun of us. » Our colleagues from La Voix du point out that, since 1993, it has in fact been possible to give the first name of your choice to your child in France. Only the registrar, if he judges that the first name is “contrary to the interests of the child”, can notify the public prosecutor, who decides whether or not to refer the matter to a family affairs judge. . We remember that last year, the town hall refused the first name that Lissandre and his wife wanted to give to their baby.




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