“Like Pedro Sánchez, I support the recognition of a Palestinian state”, by Raphaël Glucksmann – Libération

“Like Pedro Sánchez, I support the recognition of a Palestinian state”, by Raphaël Glucksmann – Libération
“Like Pedro Sánchez, I support the recognition of a Palestinian state”, by Raphaël Glucksmann – Libération


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The war between Hamas and Israelcase

While the announcement by the Spanish Prime Minister is imminent, the candidate for the European elections is carrying the initiative of his social democratic friend and ally. The prospect of a free and viable State must be the basis of negotiations and no longer their conclusion, he believes.

There are particularly gruesome photos circulating from Gaza. You may have seen them. One photo in particular obsesses me, that of a little boy, Karam.

Although he had already died from hunger, his mother refused for many hours to allow medical staff to cover his body. She spoke for many hours to her little one “prince” and asked the doctor to share Karam’s photo with the whole world.

Karam was not a Hamas terrorist. He was a child, with childhood dreams and hopes. He was killed because of hunger, because of the blockade organized by the Israeli army.

There are thousands of children dead in Gaza. Who are not numbers or “collateral victims”. The terrorist atrocities of October 7 were followed by a long night of horror of which it is difficult to see the end and especially the finality.

Karam’s photo reminds us that nothing justifies the horror of the massacres of civilians and that nothing can justify the torrent of hatred, dehumanization and glorification of the murders of Israeli or Palestinian civilians that we have seen since the pogrom of October 7.

It reminds us that there is an equal dignity of human lives and that there are no “priceless” lives on one side and “regrettable” deaths on the other. A Palestinian life is worth an Israeli life and vice versa.

It reminds us that international law must not be variable and that our leaders should do everything to ensure that



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