Whether Trump wins or loses, the “PayPal Mafia” is already preparing for the future with JD Vance

Whether Trump wins or loses, the “PayPal Mafia” is already preparing for the future with JD Vance
Whether Trump wins or loses, the “PayPal Mafia” is already preparing for the future with JD Vance

This powerful lobby forged within the online payment company worked to make the Ohio senator the vice-presidential candidate. A way for the conservative fringe of Big Tech to prepare for the post-Donald Trump era. And to establish their influence in the highest spheres of power.

Early 2000. The young company PayPal tries to survive in a difficult environment marked by the explosion of the internet bubble, the attempt to regulate technologies and fierce battles against the titans of the world of traditional finance. David Sacks, then director of operations for the start-up, wrote in an email to employees: “ World domination will not be achieved by parachuting into hostile terrain. »

Although less well known than Elon Musk, Sacks shares certain points in common with him: both are South African, cut their teeth at PayPal, and support Donald Trump in his race for the White House. They also know full well that business runs better when power is on their side — or when they have enough influence to make the terrain onto which they parachute into a little less hostile. But more than the victory or defeat of Donald Trump next November, it is another bet that these tech billionaires are making by supporting the former president who has declared not to run again if he loses to Kamala Harris. The issue is to know who, after Trump, will take up the torch and the reins of the Republican party.

They are one of the most powerful and successful networks ever created

Jimmy Soni, author of The Founders: the story of PayPal and the entrepreneurs who shaped Silicon Valley

The nomination of JD Vance against other political or media heavyweights like Marco Rubio, Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley or Kari Lake is therefore far from being a coincidence. Behind the senator from Ohio lies the shadow of one of the little-known circles of influence…

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