these citizens prefer to spend their vacations abroad, here’s why – La Nouvelle Tribune

Choosing a vacation is a crucial aspect of modern life, often dictated by a multitude of factors. A trend is emerging Moroccoa region of Maghreb, where a growing number of citizens, particularly among those on lower incomes, are opting for destinations abroad rather than spending their holidays in their home countries. This preference emerges mainly due to economic considerations and the perception of the costs of tourism services.

In the kingdom of Morocco, an analysis of vacation trends reveals an intriguing phenomenon: a growing number of Moroccan residents, particularly those with modest incomes, are choosing to spend their summer vacations abroad. This decision, although variously motivated, is largely influenced by financial considerations. The rates charged in hotels in Morocco are often considered prohibitive compared to those of similar establishments abroad, particularly in Spain, Portugal, Türkiye and elsewhere.

According to the observations of Zoubir Bouhouttourism expert, cited by Al Ayyam 24 this trend reflects the diversity of Moroccan consumer preferences. While a part of the population prefers domestic destinations due to budgetary constraints, another category, mainly from the middle class, favors travel abroad. This freedom of choice, he emphasizes, is characteristic of consumer behavior in a market economy.

Omar Belhachmi, invested in the tourism sector, agrees. He points out that accommodation costs abroad, particularly in Spain, are often more affordable than in Morocco’s popular tourist destinations such as Agadir or Marrakech. This economic reality pushes many Moroccan families to opt for vacations abroad, where the prices charged by hotels are more in line with their financial means.

However, it is important to note that despite this growing trend of traveling abroad, many Moroccans continue to prefer to vacation in their home country. Despite the relatively high costs, Moroccan cities such as Agadir, Marrakech, Tangier And Tetouan remain popular destinations. The figures provided by Zoubir Bouhout confirm this reality, with a third of the nights recorded in classified hotels attributed to internal tourism.

These data suggest that, despite economic challenges, domestic tourism remains an important pillar of the Moroccan tourism industry. The diversity of vacation preferences, combined with the variety of offers available, helps maintain a dynamic balance between domestic and international travel. In this context, it is clear that citizens’ choices regarding vacation destinations are influenced by a multitude of factors, including economic, cultural and personal.



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