a violent argument breaks out between two American deputies

a violent argument breaks out between two American deputies
a violent argument breaks out between two American deputies

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VIDEO – A comment about a Democratic congresswoman’s false eyelashes sparked chaos during a hearing in the US House of Representatives on Thursday (May 16).

A scene worthy of a reality TV show. A remark about a congresswoman’s “false eyelashes” turned a parliamentary hearing into a fight between Marjorie Taylor Greene, a pro-Trump Republican representative from Georgia, and Jasmine Crockett, a Democratic congresswoman from Texas.

The session held Thursday, May 16 in Washington was intended to discuss a resolution to convict Attorney General Merrick Garland of contempt of Congress for refusing to turn over audio recordings between President Biden and attorney Robert Hur.

“Do you know why we are here?”, launched Jasmine Crockett to “MTG” after a provocative question from the Republican deputy about the daughter of judge Juan Merchan. Stung, the elected Republican hastened to retort: “I don’t think you know why you’re here. I think your false eyelashes are preventing you from reading properly.”

“Don’t even try to play that”

New York Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez immediately spoke out to demand that Greene’s comments be retracted and that the representative issue an apology, calling her comment a“absolutely unacceptable”. “How dare you attack someone’s physical appearance?”she protested.

“Does that hurt you?”provoked Marjorie Taylor Greene. “Oh don’t even try to play that little girl.”, replied AOC, visibly exasperated. MTG agreed to have her remarks removed to resume proceedings, but she repeatedly refused to apologize.

The chairman of the committee, Republican Representative James Comer, ruled that Mr. Greene’s comments did not violate the rules of the House, provoking the indignation of part of the assembly.

“Poorly built male body”

“I’m just curious.”bounced back Jasmine Crockett. “Just to better understand your decision: if a member of this committee starts talking about someone’s peroxide blonde haircut and poorly built male body, it would not be considered a personal insult, it is that right ?”she quipped, in turn attacking Greene’s physical appearance.

After yet another debacle, the committee finally resumed debate on the Garland contempt resolution, which passed by a vote of 24 to 20, along party lines. The fate of the resolution in the full House remains undecided.



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