Workers on the brink

Workers on the brink
Workers on the brink

Exhausted agents, deplorable working conditions and an urgent call for solidarity: the situation at La Poste cannot continue.

What is currently happening within La Poste is an extraordinary tragedy, revealing the difficult realities that employees are experiencing. According to a recent article in the daily Les Échos, “La Poste workers: total hassle. Not even enough to eat sometimes,” the situation of the agents is critical. Although this crisis is not directly attributable to the current general manager Bassirou Diomaye Faye, employees are suffering the consequences of failing management which has taken hold over the years.

Many agents, exhausted by a hectic pace of work, struggle to find the resources necessary to get to their jobs. Some do not even have the 100 francs needed to pay for a meal, an unacceptable situation for dedicated workers. “Not even 100 francs to buy ‘thiaf’ Walay”, underlines the article, illustrating the extreme precariousness they face.

Faced with this alarming reality, temporary brigades are set up in certain post offices to lighten the workload, thus allowing certain agents to rest a few days a week. However, this solution only alleviates a structural problem that requires immediate intervention.

It is urgent that concrete measures be taken to improve the working conditions of La Poste agents, so that they can carry out their profession with dignity and safety. Solidarity and support from management, as well as relevant institutions, are essential to remedy this crisis and restore confidence within the company.



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