Morocco resists the European Union

Morocco resists the European Union
Morocco resists the European Union

Morocco, a migration corridor

For Morocco, one of these third countries, there is no question of accepting the repatriation of migrants from sub-Saharan Africa. Medhi Alioua, from the International University of Rabat (UIR) and dean of the Institute of Political Studies, explains Morocco’s reluctance. “The kingdom does not want to have anything imposed on it, it does not want to become a country of expulsion, and especially not of non-Moroccans, on the pretext that they have transited through Morocco.”

Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Commission, hoped to duplicate the agreement signed with Tunisia in July 2023.

The agreement provides for a sum of 250 million euros paid by the European Union to fight against irregular immigration, modernize Tunisian coast guard boats, and support cooperation with the International Office for Migration. This agreement also provides for development aid of 150 million in 2023.

“The agreement of shame”, for some in Tunis

You will have understood, the EU is asking Tunisia to control the flow of migrants in exchange for money. Tunis accepts on its soil a space for processing irregular migrants and will have to take care of their returns to their country of origin. Tunisia was doing it for Italy, this time it is committed to doing it for all EU members. As soon as it was signed, the agreement was criticized in Tunis, with some speaking of humiliation and shame.

In this context, Morocco is reluctant to sign an agreement with the 27 EU member countries. “It cooperates with Spain for example but Morocco’s opinion is that signing with a huge group like the EU is unbalanced,” adds Mehdi Alioua.

An agreement with Tunisia worth 250 million euros

Mustapha Sehimi, Moroccan academic, law professor and political scientist elaborates by adding that “Morocco will not accept a readmission agreement, it is a question of dignity.” In other words, Morocco does not want to readmit sub-Saharan Africans and manage their returns to their countries of origin. Rabat, on the other hand, readmits Moroccan migrants when their nationality is proven. “Morocco is trying to obtain the best possible agreement with the European Union but the kingdom is already one of the countries which readmits the most migrants, around 20,000 per year” according to Mehdi Alioua.

The political scientist believes that his country is caught in the web of the political crisis that Europe is experiencing. “the European Union is experiencing a border crisis, not a migration crisis.” In 2023, 1.2 million people requested asylum upon entering the European Union (Source Eurostat). Europe is not invaded, according to him, and the European bloc has 450 million inhabitants. The 27 want to close the borders to respond to a rise in populism and far-right ideas, we could add.

The EU dreams of duplicating the partnership with Tunisia

For Morocco, it is also an opportunity to resolve outstanding issues, and to negotiate on a give-and-take basis. The recognition of its sovereignty over Western Sahara is part of this, but also the question of the fishing and agricultural agreements which were canceled at first instance by European justice in 2021 at the request of the Polisario. The Court of Justice of the European Union is expected to issue its final decision next June.

Of course, no agreement has been signed today but Morocco is receiving European aid for the surveillance of its borders. For example, the radars that monitor the coasts and the equipment and training of auxiliary forces dedicated to controlling migrants have been funded by the EU. This aid is integrated into budget lines which cover several areas, therefore impossible to quantify with precision. Rabat would have received 200 million euros in recent years, several sources say.

Also read: Brussels: the European Union adopts a new migration policy

In September 2022, Khalid Zerouali, the director of immigration and border surveillance at the Moroccan Ministry of the Interior, told the Spanish agency EFE that the aid of 500 million euros proposed for 7 years to Morocco did not cover the intervention costs incurred each year by the kingdom. According to him, annual expenditure reaches 427 million euros.

To date, the European Union has signed 18 agreements with third countries to manage migration flows.

Also read: In Morocco, euphoria grips the real estate market in anticipation of the 2030 World Cup



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