Intense firing on the southern front

Intense firing on the southern front
Intense firing on the southern front
Israeli media reported that “Hezbollah is carrying out a major attack from southern Lebanon using missiles and drones. The sirens are going off all the time.”

Israeli news sites report: “There are injured Israelis in the north due to Hezbollah missile strikes on Avivim. The situation is delicate. Seven soldiers present at the Al-Malikiya site were hit, several killed and others injured, in a combined operation involving a salvo of missiles and suicide drone attacks. Hezbollah attacks also targeted the settlement of Kiryat Shmona.

One media outlet claims a reservist soldier was killed, while others report power outages in Avivim and Dovev following Hezbollah bombings.

Israeli military spokesperson Avichay Adraee confirms that “airstrikes were launched on Hezbollah-affiliated targets in six areas of southern Lebanon, as Israeli warplanes attacked the party’s military buildings in Kfar Kila, Aïta el-Chaab, Khiam and Maroun el-Ras.

Ten airstrikes hit the forest area extending from the outskirts of Aita el-Chaab to that of Ramya in a few hours. Raids continued on the villages of Yaroun, Jabal Blat, Kfar Kila, Aaramta, Khiam and on the outskirts of Rihane.

In Khiam, a house was completely destroyed. Paramedics working to clear the rubble discovered that three Hezbollah members had been killed and another injured.

The villages of Aïtaroun and Blida were hit by phosphorus bombs, banned internationally, while artillery fire was launched on the outskirts of the towns of Naqoura, Halta, Kfarchouba and Jabal Blat.

Civil defense teams in the Kfar Kila-Tal Nahas region worked tirelessly to extinguish a fire caused by one of the airstrikes.

According to a security Source, the Israeli military used “GBU bunker-destroying bombs during airstrikes on Kfar Kila, known for their effectiveness in penetrating fortified structures. These bombs, which have been part of Israel’s arsenal since 2000, have reportedly been restocked thanks to intensified US shipments.

In retaliation, Hezbollah launched operations against Israeli military sites using guided missiles, causing deaths and injuries among Israeli soldiers. Hezbollah said it was a response to enemy attacks on southern villages and civilian-owned homes.

A building used by Israeli soldiers in the Metula settlement was targeted, as well as two structures in the Shlomi settlement, one in Hanita, two in Avivim, in addition to a building at the Al-Manara site.

Later, Hezbollah targeted Israeli soldiers at the Raheb site, causing direct damage. A statement from the organization said it simultaneously targeted and destroyed spy equipment at the same location.

The Source highlights a significant increase in military engagement between the Israeli army and Hezbollah over the past forty-eight hours, coinciding with Israel’s takeover of the Rafah crossing point.

Media report that “Hezbollah has used unconventional weapons against Israeli sites in response to Israel’s scorched earth tactics along the border, making the area inhospitable due to significant phosphorus contamination. The clean-up process, aimed at ridding the area of ​​pollutants used by the Israeli army to destroy crops, groundwater and soil, is expected to extend over several years.

Israeli positions adjacent to the Blue Line unleashed heavy machine gun fire on the outskirts of Rmeish and Ramya, targeting water reservoirs and vital roads connecting border communities.

Hezbollah conditions a ceasefire along the southern front on a cessation of hostilities in the Gaza Strip.



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