Rainfall could exceed 20 litres per square metre in 30 minutes: Storm Boris arrives in Catalonia

Rainfall could exceed 20 litres per square metre in 30 minutes: Storm Boris arrives in Catalonia
Rainfall could exceed 20 litres per square metre in 30 minutes: Storm Boris arrives in Catalonia

The flood alert has been issued by the authorities.

Catalonia has activated its flood alert This Tuesday September 17. After devastating Central Europe, Storm Boris could be felt in the country as early as this afternoon. Significant rainfall is expected.

Autumn is likely to arrive earlier than expected in Catalonia and with a bang. According to data from the Catalan meteorological service, Meteocat, the Boris storm that caused Seventeen people killed in Central Europe could arrive in Catalan territory as early as this afternoon. The flood alert has been issued by the authorities.

u26a0 El Servei Meteorològic de Catalunya emits avís de situation meteorològica de perill (#avisosSMP) for accumulation of rain u26a0

u27a1 Dt. 8:00 p.m. – Dc. 8:00 p.m.

u27a1 Accumulation > 100 mm / 24 hours

u27a1 Maximum perill size: 1/6 ud83dudfe1

Local time (h) = TU+2 pic.twitter.com/VToeNDXP9p

— Meteocat (@meteocat) https://twitter.com/meteocat/status/1835734412752785820?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw

The storm is expected to last until Thursday. But Météocat qualifies: this could continue over time. Heavy rain is expected in southern Catalonia and on the Barcelona coast throughout the day on Wednesday.

Up to 20 litres per m² in thirty minutes

Regions affected by the alert level 3 (Montsià, Baix Ebre and Baix Camp) will be able to accumulate significant precipitation which could exceed 20 liters per square meter in thirty minutes.

Also read:
Storm Boris in Czech Republic: Man ‘screamed and disappeared beneath the surface’, swept away by floodwaters while trying to help neighbours

Very cool temperatures expected

It is worth noting that the temperature could drop sharply, as has been observed in Austria, where mountainous areas are covered in thick snow, while temperatures exceeded 30°C in this territory last year.



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