Dan Lewis never stops with Alterna Stade Poitevin

Dan Lewis never stops with Alterna Stade Poitevin
Dan Lewis never stops with Alterna Stade Poitevin

Alternate Stade Poitevin

The anecdote is as sympathetic as it is revealing. Last Friday, the members of Alterna Stade Poitevin spent a cohesion day at the Futuroscope park. At meal time, at the table, Cédric Enard receives a little nudge from his neighbor on the left, Dan Lewis. The stadium coach is then thinking, with supporting gestures, about the angle of the arms and the position of the hands of one of his protégés on ten-finger landings…

“When you think about high performance, it’s not normal life”he smiled a few days before. Even when it’s time to eat… Since his arrival in at the end of July, the Canadian technician has been eating volleyball morning, noon and evening. Without being full. Quite the contrary. During the preparation, Dan Lewis was even lacking “data” and statistics.

“I feel like an impostor”

“I love itexplains the native of Oakville, Ontario. I had the chance to be Stéphane Antiga’s assistant with the Canadian team. It’s different with data. This is the top level. He has a machine instead of a brain, I’ve never seen anyone like him. Glenn (Hoag) is very much in the total system, Stéphane is more in the details. I try to be in the combination of the two, with energy. » Lots of energy. But less madness.

Dan Lewis is, in fact, no longer the fiery player he was at the start of his career when he arrived on the Old Continent in 2001. His meeting with Glenn Hoag transformed him. “I was “out of control”describes the former receiver-attacker, converted into a libero. I wasn’t mentally ready, even when I was in (2003-2006). And then I spoke with Glenn because I wanted to play for him for the Canadian team. One summer with him and, the following season, I found myself in Poland, playing in the Champions League. I needed a mentor, a role model. » He has been following in his footsteps ever since.

The forces present.
© (Infographic NR-CP)

Thursday morning, again, the Alterna SPVB coach had the technician of the Izmir club, in Türkiye, on the phone. Not just to talk about “planning” which the two Canadians are very keen on. Dan Lewis also, perhaps, needed reassurance and reassurance. “I never feel readyadmits the former head of the development program for young Canadian players. I feel like an imposter all the time. » To the point of asking Cédric Enard if he had the ability to coach Earvin Ngapeth when the sports manager announced the signing of the double Olympic champion.

“He is readyjudges the one who brought him to Vienna. Of course, he may have to channel himself because the season is long, but his energy testifies to his desire, his passion. We speak the same language because he is a perfectionist and super picky. » Especially when it comes to block defense, game plan, tactics and discipline.

“A story of hate and love with this sport”

This last word comes up very regularly in the mouth of the Canadian, without him needing to use translation software as when talking about “complacency”. “Complacency is really dangerous for a teamannounces the 48-year-old technician. Because you have to have a sense of urgency. For me, it may be too developed but it’s important. We must always want to progress to remain competitive. You play your skin every week. It causes stress. In fact it’s a story of hate and love with this sport. »

There is, on the other hand, only love with his wife and two children who will join him in a few months as well as with his parents who also shaped him. “My father is disciplinehe slips. And it is important in this sport to respect a collective organization. But volleyball is not an exact science. It’s not mathematics because it’s human. And I need to help everyone. I feel it’s in me and it comes from my mother. » The emotion overcomes him as he pronounces these words. A few thrills before surely experiencing others, this Saturday, for his first match against Narbonne…



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