This Golden Bachelor candidate lives in the Centre-Val de Loire region, discover her portrait
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This Golden Bachelor candidate lives in the Centre-Val de Loire region, discover her portrait


Emilie Tournie

Published on

Sep 15, 2024 at 10:02 AM

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On the evening of Wednesday, September 18, 2024the TV show Golden Bachelor will begin broadcasting on M6. 20 bachelorettes aged 55 to 67 will try to conquer the heart of Landry, 60 ansthis season’s Bachelor.

Among them is Mariella, 63 years oldliving in a small village near Pithiviers (Loiret). Who is she and what is her story? We will answer you.

A former local government official

Mariella was born on 1er avril 1961 has Melun (Seine-et-Marne). “I ran a tourist office in the Paris region for 20 years. I have three children and two grandchildren – twins – who are almost 15 years old.” She describes herself as someone who is quite reserved, solitary, not shy but rather a good listener. “I was more concerned with others than with myself,” she tells us.

Following his divorce in 2017she moves to a small village between Pithiviers (Loiret) and Stamps (Essonne). One day, his daughter happened to tell him about the casting for the show Golden Bachelor.

“After talking it over together, we thought it would be a good idea. After my divorce, I had lost my confidence, I had withdrawn into myself and I no longer left the house. So I wanted to see what I could do.”

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She then decides to send a letter to the casting in beginning of year 2024 and her application was accepted for the Paris casting the following month. “I finally found out that I was participating in the show in March,” she continues.

A beneficial experience

Mariella is one of the twenty candidates of the Golden Bachelor show. (©Julien Theuil M6)

“I was nervous at first. Knowing that I was going to live in a community with other women worried me because I was afraid of not fitting in,” says the bachelorette. In the end, everything went very well with the other competitors.

We weren’t really competing, we were mainly there to get a message across and meet each other. There were some tensions of course but they didn’t last. Overall, it was a wonderful experience.

Golden Bachelor contestant

Participating in this show even allowed her to overcome her insecurities and feel better about herself. “It did me good, even my children find me changed. I am more sure of myself, I want to move forward. It allowed me to take control of my life again.”

Another vision of love

Participating in the Golden Bachelor TV show was also an opportunity for Mariella to convey an important message: at 60, you can still have a love life.

“Love is not the same at 60 as it is at 20. At 20, you are looking to build something, a family, a professional career. At 60, you focus more on yourself, there are no more constraints related to family or your professional future. So you have all the time to think about your own pleasure. I lived for others and now I need to take care of myself.”

Her ideal type of man? A man with an advantageous physique but above all elegant, courteous, attentive without being excessive, who likes to take initiatives and enjoy life. “In terms of education, it is important that we have the same values”

Did Landry, this season’s Bachelor, meet her criteria? Mariella describes him as a very handsome and empathetic man, but we don’t know more. More on the show!

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