A particularly moving sequence. Léa Salamé and her accomplices welcomed, Saturday January 12 in “Quelle époque!”, the entrepreneur Thierry Breton, the comedians Stéphane de Groodt and Charline Vanhoenacker, the actresses Clotilde Courau and Fatou Guinea, the journalist Christine Ockrent, and even the navigator Charlie Dalin.
A letter filled with emotions
Vincent Lagaf’, who was also a guest on the France 2 talk show, was treated to Charlotte Dhenaux’s letter. The latter then declared: “Franck, your biological mother’s first strait, like a somewhat tragic declaration of love. Inspired by Gaston, you troublemaker Lagaf’. Full of tattoos like a dark wall is full of graffiti. Firefighter, reckless, impulsive, and welder. At Club Med, you are the kind organizer. You rock during your classical dance classes, half a lung lighter, your breathing remains energetic. You hate limits, provoking the unexpected and host a special show called “Tête dans le cul”. Spark laughter to catch up with the past, wait for an I love you and compensate again”.
Under the watchful eye of Christophe Dechavanne, permanent guest of the show, the comedian continued to address the presenter of “Bigdil” on RMC Story: “When in expectation, tenderness is a ghost, anesthetized the heart dries, from torpor it takes on the aroma. Fan of Popin Pete, you dance in your pink tails, it’s a beautiful color to enhance neuroses. Horse lover, like an absolute revelation, you ride bareback on the back of your friend Pélu. You lose Gégé in a boat in Djibouti, you the man who whispered in the ear of his jet skis. Robust, the angel maker cannot unravel you. After all this time, you still have stage fright, you adventurer. Loyal to your teams, you don’t want to disappoint. Thank you for coming back, we were all looking forward to seeing you again”.
-Also read: Audiences: Has Vincent Lagaf’s “Bigdil” triumphed again on RMC Story?
After the intervention of Charlotte Dhenaux, Léa Salamé launched on the set of France 2: “It was moving, wasn’t it?”. To which Vincent Lagaf’ readily responded: “I had to wait 40 years in the profession to get a tribute like that”.
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