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A surprise candidate is arriving on Les apprentis champions this Friday, June 28… Giovanni has cause for concern (spoiler)

Departures and arrivals follow one another in The Apprentice Champions and Giovanni has to worry about the new candidate of the reds… Warning, spoilers!

Screenshot The Apprentice Champions / W9

We no longer know where to turn! After the abandonment of Bastos, who suffered from insomnia, the red team saw its squad considerably decrease in a very short time in The apprentice champions. Indeed, Samy also chose to leave the adventure, not feeling in his place. Then, during the elimination ceremony, Simon made a big announcement, as viewers will be able to discover in the episode of June 28, 2024, which is already available as a preview on the M6 ​​+ Max platform. Attention, spoilers !

Adixia and Simon leave, leaving the Reds in a difficult situation

Adixia’s partner decided to leave in turn, no longer able to stand the barbs of Simon Castaldi, his rival and his wife’s ex. Feeling that his marriage was starting to fail, the young man preferred to stop everything so as not to make the situation worse. Of course, Adixia followed, reluctantly, and packed her bags in turn, shedding a few tears. The DJette knows deep down that this return to France is necessary to ease tensions and find a beautiful harmony within her couple. Suddenly, the red team will have to be replenished and for that, a surprise candidate has answered the call!

Clarysse sees all of Giovanni’s exes arrive one after the other in The Apprentice Champions

In the teaser for the next episode of Apprentice champions, we can see that Cassandra is ready to give everything in sporting events. Although she does not join his yellow team, Giovanni is not really delighted to see her again, he who, only a few days earlier, had confused the first name of his current girlfriend Clarysse with that of… Cassandra! To top it off, Louana, another ex of Don Juan in The apprentice adventurersis also part of the cast. “I came here for a competition and in the end I found myself with a guy and all his exes in the hotel” deplores Clarisse off-screen… This is promising for the future!


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