“For 20 days, I was gone”: Actor Jamie Foxx reveals more about his mysterious health problem

“For 20 days, I was gone”: Actor Jamie Foxx reveals more about his mysterious health problem
“For 20 days, I was gone”: Actor Jamie Foxx reveals more about his mysterious health problem

Nearly a year after nearly getting the worst of it, Jamie Foxx is once again breaking his silence. The American actor, who was rushed to hospital in April 2023 for mysterious reasons, has just lifted the veil on this episode of his life.

It was during a meeting with fans in Arizona that the 56-year-old star confided once again about what happened to him. A conversation filmed and shared on social networks that quickly went viral.

“For 20 days I was gone”

It all started on April 11, 2023, while Jamie Foxx was filming the movie “Back in Action” in Atlanta. “I had a bad headache,” the actor recalls. “I asked my friend for an Advil”. That’s when things changed: “For 20 days I was gone. I don’t remember anything.”

This loss of consciousness lasted for almost three weeks, during which the actor’s entourage mobilized. “I was told that my sister and my daughter took me to the first doctor”he continues. First aid was clearly not enough: “I was given a shot of cortisone. Then the next doctor said, ‘There’s something going on up there.’“, Jamie Foxx explains, pointing to his skull.

While the actor remains discreet about the exact nature of his medical problem, preferring to keep certain details private, he does not hide the seriousness of the situation. “I wouldn’t wish what I went through on my worst enemy because it’s hard when it’s almost over… when you see the tunnel. I saw the tunnel – I didn’t see the light.”he had previously confided.

A convalescence under the spotlight

Jamie Foxx’s hospitalization had sparked a wave of concern in the showbiz world. His daughter, Corinne, had then taken to social media to reassure fans: “We wanted to share that my father Jamie Foxx experienced a medical complication yesterday. Thankfully, thanks to quick action and good care, he is already on the road to recovery.”

Despite this ordeal, the actor was keen to preserve his public image. “I didn’t want you to see me with tubes coming out of me wondering if I was going to make it,” he explained to his fans in the summer of 2023. “I want you to see me laughing, having fun, partying, making jokes, making a movie, a TV show…”

After several months of convalescence, Jamie Foxx has gradually resumed his activities.



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