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“We all crossed our fingers…” This impressive scene gave the production of the series with Audrey Fleurot cold sweats

This Thursday, June 27, TF1 is offering to (re)watch the start of season 2 of HPIand in the first episode, Morgane’s ceiling falls on her head. Find out how this sequence was made.

If we will have to wait before discovering the second part of the new season 4 of HPI on TF1, the front page still offers from this Thursday June 27 to spend the evening in the company of Audrey Fleurot. Thus, the private channel is rebroadcast season 2 of the adventures of Morgane Alvaro, marked by the arrival of Clotilde Hesme in the role of Roxane and available on Disney+. While at the end of the previous season, Morgane had found emotional, family and professional stability, unfortunately, in this one everything collapses!

HPI : How was the scene of Morgane’s (Audrey Fleurot) collapsing ceiling achieved?

As Audrey Fleurot explained to Télé-Loisirs at the time, “This second season was complicated because it was necessary to keep Morgane in relative precariousness while she became a consultant for the police. The authors’ brilliant solution was to imagine that she would lose her house. The opportunity to see her squatting with all her smala among her partners.” And to do this, the writers imagined that the sky was falling on his head… or rather the ceiling of his dining room while the whole family was nicely having an aperitif! A crisp and impressive sequence achieved thanks to the magic of special effects and ingenious technicians, as revealed by Mona Achache, the director of the first two episodes of season 2.

HPI: “We all crossed our fingers…” The scene of the collapsing ceiling gave the production of the series with Audrey Fleurot cold sweats

“This scene was produced in two stages: we first filmed the kitchen without the family then, the following day, we filmed the family in another setting and on a green screen, explains the director. For this plan, a technical person dropped on them a polystyrene ceiling that we had made and on which we had put buckets of water. In post-production, we added the background of their kitchen filmed empty, a little water… We all crossed our fingers that the first take would be good – and it was – because if it doesn’t didn’t work, we should have dried everyone, raised the ceiling, re-filled the buckets with water… It was great, we had a good laugh, and the actors took a good shower.” concludes Mona Achache.


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