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Here it all begins: what awaits you in episodes 956 and 957 on Friday, June 28, 2024 [SPOILERS] – News Series on TV

In the next episode of “Here it all begins”… David receives a response from FC Madrid. For Rose and Carla, the start of their stay is not easy! Maya finally knows what she’s going to do during the summer.

Warning, the following paragraphs contain spoilers for the episodes of Here it all begins broadcast tomorrow evening on TF1! If you prefer not to know anything, move on.

Friday June 28 in Here it all begins…

Maya knows what she’s going to do with her summer

After spending the night together, Maya and Malik wake up in each other’s arms. The newly formed couple is swimming in happiness on this first day of school holidays. As they prepare to go back to bed, Leonard knocks on the door to bring croissants. Maya welcomes him, explaining to her boyfriend that it is a ritual between them every morning. Malik accepts. Leonard is happy to finally see them together, even if they are now excluded from the Institute’s singles club. Leonard admits to being excluded too since he broke the second rule of the club by having an ongoing affair with Nolan.

Later, all the students gather in the amphitheater for the graduation ceremony. Antoine, Hortense and Leroy congratulate them all, then give them a personal message from Teyssier. Afterwards, the students rejoice in their success and make plans for their future. Jasmine is determined to try the Master’s competition, as is Tom. As for Kelly, she is well and truly ready to leave for Dinard. Laetitia comes to congratulate her personally. Mother and daughter are very moved by how far they have come. Kelly expresses her deep gratitude to her mother.

The students then gather at the Double A for the traditional end-of-year cocktail. Antoine takes the opportunity to toast with Souleymane, who is top of his class this year, and congratulate him. Penelope joins them to toast. Antoine then informs them that their cruise project is compromised because he does not feel like leaving Leroy alone at the head of the Institute all summer. Behind his back, Penelope and Souleymane admit to being relieved not to go on a cruise.

Maya and Malik both isolate themselves in a hallway to kiss. The young man is very happy to be able to enjoy his summer with her. Nevertheless, Maya admits that she does not plan to slack off for two months non-stop. At the same time, she receives a message from Quentin and remembers that she had planned to meet him again.

She goes to the Leroys, where her brother tells her that he intends to spend the summer in London. He explains that one of his colleagues from Japan offered him the job of second-in-command in the French gourmet restaurant he has just opened in the English capital. For Quentin, it is also a good way to prepare for the Institut’s competitive exam. Maya is a little disappointed because she was hoping to spend time with her brother this summer. He then reveals to her that his colleague also has a place for her in his brigade. Maya does not hide her enthusiasm…

The next day, Maya meets Malik at the local café to share her dilemma with him. Finally, as soon as her boyfriend admits that he doesn’t want to be away from her for two months, Maya decides to stay in Calvières with him. However, she sets the condition that they don’t spend their entire vacation slacking off. Malik is delighted.

The couple finds Vic and Léonard in the amphitheater to tell them their decision. Léonard then suggests that they all join Hortense’s special events brigade together. Only Vic declines. Malik is apprehensive, recalling the story of the false declaration of love that Maya had written to the boss while pretending to be him. The young girl promises to make up for it.

She therefore goes to the Atelier where Hortense and Mehdi cook together to explain the truth. Hortense thanks her for her honesty and forgives her. After a few minutes of reflection, Hortense agrees to integrate Léonard, Malik and Maya into her brigade. Mehdi reminds them of the rules to follow so that everything goes smoothly: remain professional and avoid mixing private matters with work.

Maya and Malik then go to the Leroys where Quentin is packing his suitcase for London. He takes the opportunity to give Maya a photo album that belonged to their parents. The young girl opens it and looks at some photos, very moved.

David leaves the Institute

When he meets David in a corridor, Stanislas takes the opportunity to congratulate him on his good exam results. The young man admits, however, to being disappointed since he had made a deal with the FC Madrid recruiter to become the club’s manager for an entire season if he was top of his class. Stanislas sympathizes, certain that the young man will have other equally exciting opportunities.

In the kitchen, David prepares the service with Anaïs. She realizes that he does not dare answer the recruiter’s calls for fear of telling him the truth about his exam results. She believes that there is still time to negotiate and forces him to call him back. David follows his advice and the conversation with the recruiter takes an unexpected turn. Hanging up, David announces that he has officially been chosen to be the new boss of FC Madrid! And this, thanks to Du Chesnay, who pushed his candidacy.

When he meets Stanislas with Hippolyte a little later, David calls out to him to thank him for his gesture. He realizes that it was not Stanislas, but his father who intervened on his behalf. Hippolyte affirms that he is not trying to buy his forgiveness, but that he is only trying to improve himself by doing what is right. Indeed, according to him, David has talent, willpower and merit. The latter is touched.

The next day, Lionel, Solal and Anaïs wish David a good last day at the Institute. David hopes that his friends have organized a leaving party worthy of the name. Lionel and Solal offer to organize it, while Anaïs volunteers to cook.

A little later, David finds Anaïs in the kitchen where she is preparing the tapas he requested. The young woman pushes him to confide in her about what he really feels as he approaches his departure. David admits to feeling sad. He knows that he will love Spain and his new job, but he also knows that he will miss the Institute and his friends. He thanks Anaïs for everything she has done for him, considering her his best friend. Anaïs declares that it is mutual and promises to come see him at the first opportunity.

At the end of the day, Anaïs, Lionel, Solal, Enzo, Billie, Tom and many other students gather for David’s farewell party. They wonder where the latter has gone until they hear his voice resounding through the speakers. In fact, David recorded a voice message for them explaining that he won’t come for fear of starting to cry. He declares that he will never forget them, then encourages them to celebrate in his honor.

As everyone raises their glasses in his name, David prepares to leave the Institute. He meets Chef Leroy who encourages him to go for it and live his dream. David hugs him, then starts to leave. He receives another good dose of love through a video sent to him by his friends where they tell him that they love him.

A stormy start to the vacation for Rose and Carla!

In the park, Bérénice surprises Carla looking for a plan for the vacation. She is still stubborn and refuses to go to Paul Garnier’s villa when he is simply trying to put Rose in his bed. Bérénice rather suspects her girlfriend of being jealous of having to share her mother. In any case, she announces that she will go to the villa, with or without Carla. After reflection, the latter ends up announcing to Rose, Constance and Bérénice that she has changed her mind and that she is going to come with them. Understanding his reluctance towards Paul, Rose assures him that their vacation will be great.

Later, at the Double A end-of-year cocktail, Carla and Bérénice show photos of Paul’s villa to Pénélope, Souleymane and Jasmine. Everyone envy them. Indeed, Pénélope and Souleymane find themselves without plans for the summer, while Jasmine will spend the month of July with Jim in Calvières while her son will be on vacation with Greg and Eliott.

At the end of the day, Carla arranges to meet Penelope, Souleymane and Jasmine at the boarding school foyer. She joins them and makes them believe that Rose has suggested that they come with them to Paul’s villa. Everyone is delighted. Carla even allows Jasmine to come with Jim. As she leaves the foyer, Carla receives a message from her mother expressing her happiness that things have worked out. Carla responds with a voice message, stating that she is looking forward to spending a holiday together…

The next day, Rose, Constance, Carla and Bérénice arrive at Paul Garnier’s villa. He welcomes them warmly. Only Carla makes no effort to be polite. As soon as she finds herself alone, she calls Souleymane to find out when her friends plan to arrive.

Paul takes charge of showing his guests around the property, then introduces them to his stewards, Sandrine and Jérôme, as well as their daughter Cléo who takes care of the meals. If Carla still finds something to criticize, Bérénice is delighted.

Paul then prepares an aperitif around the swimming pool. That’s when Souleymane, Pénélope, Jasmine and Jim arrive, giving Rose a bottle of champagne to thank her for her invitation.

The latter immediately guesses that Carla is behind all this. She takes her aside to confront her, reproaching her for inviting friends without telling her. Carla retorts that her mother did not consult her either when she suddenly decided to spend their holidays at Paul’s. Rose then returns to Penelope, Souleymane, Jasmine and Jim to explain to them that she cannot afford to have them. But Paul intervenes to invite them to stay with pleasure.

A little later, Rose goes back to see Carla to understand the origin of the problem. She realizes that her daughter is jealous of Paul, even if she does not want to admit it. Rose then declares that she likes him, no matter what she thinks. Carla, for her part, admits that she does not trust him. But since he saved her friends’ vacation, Rose forces her daughter to go see him to apologize and thank him.

Meanwhile, Paul is in his office. He looks out the window, then retrieves a gun from a briefcase… Is Carla right to be suspicious of him?


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