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“I suffered too much”: Alex Goude returns to the controversy with Valérie Bénaïm, at the origin of his hasty departure from “Touche pas à mon poste” on C8

ALSO READ: “I need to breathe”: Alex Goude withdraws from “TPMP” after his inappropriate gesture on C8

“When Cyril Hanouna asked me to come back, I didn’t want to”

It is impossible for him not to return to his hasty departure from “Touche pas à mon poste” orchestrated last October. After only 7 shows, Alex Goude stopped his appearances on the talk show after his inappropriate gesture towards Valérie Benaïm. “We were doing a couple dance and I missed my dance move by touching his buttocks”, recognized the television man who apologized backstage after being cropped by Cyril Hanouna.

Quickly, Alex Goude was also taken aback by thousands of Internet users. “Besides, just after Valérie says that there is no problem, that I am gay, that we have known each other for 20 years… But the social networks are unleashed, the feminists call me a rapist and sexual assaulter when everyone knows I am homosexual. And there, my world collapses over a rotten controversy”added the father.

A situation which marked his descent into hell. “I had a very bad experience with this controversy in ‘TPMP’. I had very, very, very dark thoughts… My mother was in the hospital, shocked. It was very hard. Fortunately there was my son. I even lost contracts”, added Alex Goude. “I don’t blame anyone because that’s the game of the show.” Marked by the affair, he preferred to be more discreet: “I didn’t want to return to ‘TPMP’ afterwards. I loved doing this show which intoxicated me for several weeks. But when Cyril asked me to come back, I didn’t want to. I I suffered too much, I almost went too far and I don’t want that for my family.”


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