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Nobel Peace Prize winner, political scientist… Who is Thomas Guénolé, new columnist in “Touche pas à mon poste”?

VIDEO – A new face appears around the table of the “TPMP” talk show hosted by Cyril Hanouna on C8.

“A total scam”this is how Thomas Guénolé was described for the first time on the set of “Touche pas à mon poste”, on September 23. That evening, Jean-Michel Maire decided to attack the person who claimed to be on his X profile, formerly Twitter, as “political scientist and professor of geopolitics” and who calls for a ban on the National Rally. It is currently followed by more than 53,000 people.

“He calls himself a political scientist. We tell ourselves that it’s like a researcher, so we tell ourselves that what he says is a bit like truth. In fact, he is not a political scientist, he is a far-left activist, at one time a member of LFI. He found that LFI was not left-wing enough for him. He wants to discriminate against the largest party in .”asserts Jean-Michel Maire.

Used to the plateaus

The main person concerned is also sponsor of the French branch of ICAN, the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, rewarded in 2017 for its work with a Nobel Peace Prize.

Thomas Guénolé is the author of several works: Do young people in the suburbs eat children? And Islamopsychosis: why France demonizes Muslims. In the shadows, he was political advisor to Jean-Louis Borloo and Arnaud Montebourg. In the light of the sets, he has already appeared on Europe 1, RMC, in “Ce soir ou Jam” and “La vérité en Face”, while publishing columns in Release, Marianne or even Le Figaro.

Guests two evenings in a row

A right of reply was offered two days later to Thomas Guénolé who accepted Cyril Hanouna’s invitation. Her appearance on the C8 talk show is an opportunity to discuss the murder in the de Boulogne of the young Filipina, a student at Dauphine University.. “Is French justice too lax with the OQTFs?” ask the columnists of “TPMP”.

Also readCyril Hanouna is celebrating his 50th birthday: will you get 10 out of 10 in this test on the age of TV presenters?

On this occasion, it was with another columnist that the political scientist had a lively exchange: “If you have an undocumented family in France there is at least one person who works to feed everyone else”. “Either they steal, or they kill,” commented Guillaume Genton. A statement that did not go unnoticed by several viewers.

Surprise this Thursday, September 26, Thomas Guénolé is still present at the columnists’ table. Like Polska, Valérie Bénaïm or Géraldine Maillet, he comments on current events. A little alone against everyone, he confronts opinions that differ from his own on the set of “Touche pas à mon poste”. A place on the “TPMP” chessboard usually occupied by Gilles Verdez. Until when?

SEE ALSO – “A desire to become Cyril Hanouna”: Valérie Benaïm responds to criticism of the weekend version of “Touche pas à mon poste”

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