Known for her role in the famous M6 program, Love is in the meadowPerrine, a 26-year-old snail breeder from Burgundy, revealed that she suffered from Crohn’s disease. During the show hosted by Karine Le Marchand, she chose to dismiss her two suitors. But recently, the young woman’s health seems to have deteriorated.
Perrine announces bad news to her subscribers
Earlier this week, she sparked concern among her fans by posting a photo of herself in a hospital bed, accompanied by the following comment: “As soon as I feel better I will explain to you“.
She finally gave her subscribers some news this Wednesday, January 15 through two explanatory videos revealed on Instagram.”Many of you have guessed it. It’s Crohn who returns. So I’m a little tired, but it’s okay (…) May 2024, I had my annual appointment. I did some blood and stool tests. And the analyzes were not good. My gastroenterologist told me to do a little more in-depth examinations. I did an MRI. In July, she told me that we needed to do even more extensive tests, a colonoscopy. Except that it fell right in my harvest and at the end of the season. For snails, September-December is the most important. (…) No one could replace me on the farm. No choice but to ask that the exams be done in January after most of the work“, she expressed before continuing: “Monday I had my colonoscopy. And of course, I knew the results wouldn’t be good. And so yes, the results are not good. My colon and small intestine are affected. I have deep ulcerations. In fact, it’s my treatment that is no longer working properly. So I will have to change my treatment. It will be infusions and after injections“.
A wave of support for the candidate Love is in the meadow
She was able to count on the support of her community who wanted to support her in comments. “Lots of thoughts still for you You are truly courageous and a fighter “, “Strength and courage Perrine you are magnificent, my heart goes out to you ❤️❤️❤️❤️“, “Courage and strength “, “Courage, take care of yourself Perrine“, we can read under his two videos.