A decree published on the first Official Journal of the year, the 1is January 2025, concretizes the implementation of the reform of the financing of medicine, surgery and obstetrics activities (MCO) introduced by article 49 of the social security financing law for 2024. This technical text brings two main new features :
- On the one hand, it updates the legal references at the regulatory level in accordance with the renumbering of the legislative part of the Social Security Code.
- On the other hand, it specifies the modalities for allocation of the different compartments of the financing model of MCO activities to the Regional Health Agencies (ARS) and health establishments, as well as the modalities for determining the packages grouped within the compartment. “specific missions”.
Furthermore, the decree removes the coefficient applied to prices and taking into account the effects generated by tax and social relief measures aimed at reducing the cost of labor within MCO activities and medical and rehabilitation care (SMR). ). And it provides for differentiation in the application of the weighting coefficient according to the legal categories of establishments.
This regulatory text also aims to simplify the terms of application of the quality financing incentive system (IFAQ), as well as the timetable for publication of orders for national daily service rates (TNJP). In addition, it provides that all operations of health centers managed by a health establishment are included in the annexed forecast income statement of the managing health establishment. Finally, the text brings the inclusion of pharmaceutical specialties on the SMR “additional list” into line with the developments occurring in the MCO.
The provisions of the decree apply from the 2025 financial year to the health establishments concerned, with the exception of certain of them (d, e, f and g of 31° of article 1is and those of 32° of the same article), which will only come into force from the 2026 financial year.