Apolline balances Vanessa Kepler, Ulysses and Ophélie discover the unbearable truth… The summary of episode 227 of Wednesday December 4, 2024

Apolline balances Vanessa Kepler, Ulysses and Ophélie discover the unbearable truth… The summary of episode 227 of Wednesday December 4, 2024
Apolline balances Vanessa Kepler, Ulysses and Ophélie discover the unbearable truth… The summary of episode 227 of Wednesday December 4, 2024

In the episode of More beautiful life, even more beautiful from Wednesday December 4, 2024… At the Pavillon des fleurs, Baram gives private math lessons to Zoé. Which literally enchants Ariane, under the spell. With Éric, she finds a solution to repeat this experience and decides that from now on, Zoé will have “three hours of lessons per week with this gentleman”. Baram, happy to have given this course, warmly thanks Eric for his support.

More beautiful life in advance: Emma lies to Baptiste

When leaving for a hike, Emma (Pauline Bression) claims to have hurt her ankle. If Thomas suggests canceling their family outing, the young woman prefers not to change anything about their afternoon, at the risk of disappointing Mathis. As a result, Gabriel, Baptiste and Mathis will go for a walk while Thomas plays nurse. But instead of keeping Emma company, Thomas lingers in the Mistral. On the other hand, he brings her lunch. When he gets home, he almost catches her standing on her two legs on the phone with someone. However, he is surprised that she was able to make tea and return to the living room with her crutches. For their part, Gabriel, Baptiste and Mathis are having fun in the fresh air. The opportunity for father and son to chat. The doctor, who recognizes Emma’s investment in her work, defends his daughter-in-law. Which annoys Baptiste quite a bit: “I didn’t miss your life lessons.”

More beautiful life in advance: There is Huggy with the good tips and Aya with the good advice

Ophélie mulled over her problem all night. She has difficulty believing her mother’s explanations, who swears that she would not lie to her “never for something this serious.” The young woman does not understand why Anthony sent her the bracelet of a newborn born on the same day as her. Above all, why would he want to hurt her? “Nothing stops him”, according to his mother, who assures him of her love.
Later, Ophélie confides her doubts to Aya, who warns her friend not to play Anthony’s game but the damage is done, Ophélie, who has always had doubts about her parentage, points out her differences with his mother and his brother. Aya first advises him to check his blood type to be sure.


More beautiful life in advance: Ulysses is not fooled

Boher summons Vanessa and Ulysse Kepler to the police station to inform them of the progress of the investigation concerning the disappearance of Anthony Charon. He was not located but a police patrol found his shoes and wallet on the docks in Port-Saint-Louis-du-Rhône, an hour from . “Everything suggests that he committed suicide or that they want us to believe so,” explains Boher, who then mentions the name of Myriam Toussaint. Ulysses then discovers that his mother asked Apolline to investigate this former hospital employee. On the other hand, Vanessa claims not to know why Anthony was in contact with this woman. To her son, worried about his mother’s actions, Vanessa simply says she did “whatever is necessary to prevent our family from imploding. The less you know, the better.” An answer which obviously does not satisfy Ulysses.
Back at the office, Ulysses rushes towards Apolline to find out what is going on with the mission entrusted by his mother regarding Myriam Toussaint. If at first the young woman says nothing, the lawyer plays the sensitive card and ends up getting what he wants: Apolline throws out everything she knows.

More beautiful life in advance: Ulysses and Ophelia learn the unbearable truth

Winded up like a clock, Ulysses then confronts his mother: “You took another woman’s baby thanks to the complicity of Myriam Toussaint, whom you paid handsomely. And since then, you’ve made Ophélie believe that she’s your daughter.” he gets angry. Cornered, Vanessa Kepler collapses.
For her part, Ophélie now officially knows that she is not Vanessa Kepler’s daughter. Aya doesn’t know how to comfort her friend. “It’s not human to lie like that. […] My whole life it’s a lie”, she loses her temper as she leaves her friend’s room.



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