Plus belle la vie in advance: what awaits you in episode 128 on Thursday July 4, 2024 [SPOILERS] – News Series on TV

Plus belle la vie in advance: what awaits you in episode 128 on Thursday July 4, 2024 [SPOILERS] – News Series on TV
Plus belle la vie in advance: what awaits you in episode 128 on Thursday July 4, 2024 [SPOILERS] – News Series on TV

In the next episode of “Plus belle la vie, encore plus belle”… Pascal reveals his true identity to Jennifer. For his part, Steve is determined to bring down the Bibac company.

Warning, the following paragraphs contain spoilers for the episode of Plus belle la vie, encore plus belle broadcast Thursday afternoon on TF1! If you don’t want to know anything, don’t read what follows!

Thursday July 4 in Plus belle la vie, even more beautiful…

Morgane is a bad loser

At the Mistral, Jules and Morgane discuss the sports afternoon that awaits them. Indeed, the couple has a meeting with their friends, Enzo and Nisma, for a game of beach volleyball. As they are about to leave, Nisma sends a message to cancel her arrival. She does not feel in good shape regarding her breakup with Steve.

Morgane asks Jules to find someone to replace the young woman. Zoé, who overheard the conversation, volunteers. Jules jumps at the chance. A few minutes later, Zoé arrives on the beach for the beach volleyball game. Morgane is absolutely not happy to see her there. Will the two opponents get along?

To start, Morgane plays with Enzo, and Jules with Zoé. Very quickly, a gap is created between the two teams. Jules and Zoé win hands down, which annoys Morgane. Once the first round is over, Morgane joins Zoé’s team. Who of the two boys or girls will come out victorious from the match?

Steve sets a trap for Rebecca

At the police station, Steve calls his boss to tell her that he has found a new client to fleece: Patrick. She agrees to meet him. But what Rebecca doesn’t know is that it’s a trap set by her employee.

After the call ends, Steve confides in Patrick that he is worried about what happens next. He fears that Rebecca will realize his betrayal and that Nisma will refuse to forgive him. To reassure him, the policeman tells him: “So far you’ve been perfect, everything will be fine.”

For her part, Nisma is still furious with Steve. Apolline tries to show her that he is a good guy, but the young woman won’t listen. She is convinced that he is working with the mob. Apolline advises her to go and talk to him about it in person.

Later that day, Nisma goes to Steve’s room to get her things. Steve apologizes for his behavior, but Nisma asks him to tell her the whole truth about his company. Steve is about to tell her everything, but before he does, he has to make sure she keeps it a secret. Nisma promises him. So what’s this about?

Pascal reveals his true identity

Jennifer wakes up, once again, on Pascal’s couch. But when she opens her eyes, she discovers the unthinkable: she has fallen asleep on Figaro, smothering him with her pillow. She is in shock and exhausted by everything that is happening to her.

For his part, Samuel informs Ariane that he is now certain that it was not Jennifer who stole his service weapon. And for good reason, he re-did the scene by timing himself, and the time is much too short.

That’s not all, while examining the surveillance camera video in front of his house, he discovered the mysterious comings and goings of an individual. The latter was present in front of the residence at the time when the keys to the apartment disappeared, as well as the revolver. Ariane wonders if it could not be Jennifer’s accomplice, but Samuel is convinced that it is not.

The police immediately go to the doctor’s office to try to find out more. They decide to show Nelson’s photo to Pascal. Pascal replies that it is the patient who had an epileptic seizure several days ago. He says he has not seen him since this incident.

A few minutes later, Nelson arranges to meet Pascal out of sight, to tell him that the police have called him. To reassure his accomplice, the fake nurse asks him to act as if he is innocent, and to go to the police station of his own free will to answer the investigators’ questions.

At the same time, Ariane and Samuel continue to investigate Nelson. They now know that he is an actor. Suddenly, Ariane’s phone rings. It is Nelson who is calling to arrange an appointment, tomorrow at nine o’clock in the morning, at the police station. At the end of her call, Ariane displays a photo of Jennifer on the giant screen. Samuel is surprised, he says to his colleague: “Where did this photo come from?”

When Pascal returns home, he finds Jennifer sitting on the floor, in a worrying state. She asks him to let her out, but Pascal tells her: “You have always been annoying, capricious”. Then he adds that he has known her since she was little. The young woman’s eyes widen, and she asks in a trembling voice: “Laurent ?”.

According to this final scene, Pascal would be none other than Jennifer’s big brother. So, to find out more about this summer ark, go to the next episodes of the series Plus belle la vie, encore plus belle.



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