Cassandra (Apprentice Champions) smashes the long jump record, the candidates amazed!

Today at 17:00 – by
Sophie Bongart

Cassandra Jullia makes her entrance into the Apprentice Champions and already impresses her classmates with her sporting skills. In the July 2 episode, already available on M6+, she attempted a long jump.

After the unexpected departures of Bastos and Samy, it is an emblematic couple of Apprentice Champions who left the adventure. During the last elimination ceremony, Simon Féraud preferred to leave with Adixia to save his relationship in difficulty because of tensions with Simon Castaldi, his wife’s ex-boyfriend. “Love is stronger than anything, even if I leave with a heavy heart because I would have liked to fight until the end”, confided the Belgian DJette on camera. Following this departure, Simon and Adixia Féraud spoke out on their social networks to clarify the situation, stating that Adixia had never hidden anything from him about her ex and that there had never been any infidelity. To replace the missing candidate, Laurent Maistret called a new female athlete to join the red team: Cassandra Jullia.

Paga announces Cassandra and Giovanni as favorites: “with his big muscular legs!”

To get their legs going, Cassandra and her team, and their opponents, the Yellows, trained for the long jump event. In the new episode of Apprentice Championsavailable as a preview on M6+, Paga, sports commentator alongside Patrick Montel, former voice of athletics for France Télévisions, has already identified the best elements a few minutes before kick-off: “I’m putting a coin on Cassandra for the girls, she looks very athletic. For the boys, I’ll go for the ‘golden boy’ Giovanni, and maybe Nikola Lozina since he’s tall. He’s 1.95m! I think he can go for something.”

Cassandra impresses her classmates from the first sporting event: a jump of 3.29 meters!

After a somewhat lazy attempt by opposing team member Beverly, Cassandra was drawn to represent her team. “She still has the body of an athlete, she can perform well,” continues to chant Paga. Indeed, the former Miss impressed everyone after her jump. “Cassandra, she jumps very, very far. I had no doubts, I know what she is capable of with her big muscular legs. It will be very difficult for our team to do better,” perceives her former partner Giovanni. And his words will be confirmed since Laurent announces to the competitors that the young woman has made a jump of… 3.29 meters! For the moment, Cassandra is in the lead among female athletes.

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias

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