Legislative: TF1 is changing its schedule tonight for a special edition of its “20 Heures” with Gabriel Attal, Jordan Bardella, Xavier Bertrand and Raphaël Glucksmann

Legislative: TF1 is changing its schedule tonight for a special edition of its “20 Heures” with Gabriel Attal, Jordan Bardella, Xavier Bertrand and Raphaël Glucksmann
Legislative: TF1 is changing its schedule tonight for a special edition of its “20 Heures” with Gabriel Attal, Jordan Bardella, Xavier Bertrand and Raphaël Glucksmann

The first round of the legislative elections has barely ended when the campaign for the second begins. It is in this context that TF1 announced this Monday July 1 a special edition of its 8 p.m. news, presented by Gilles Bouleau.

“Where are the women?” asks Marine Tondelier

The journalist will receive on set four representatives of the four main political families, namely: Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, President of the National Rally Jordan Bardella, President of the Republicans of the Hauts-de-France region Xavier Bertrand and European MP Place publique and member of the New Popular Front Raphaël Glucksmann. The four men will take turns on Gilles Bouleau’s set and will answer his questions one by one.

Upon the announcement of this exceptional device, the national secretary of the Ecologists Marine Tondelier, who is part of the New Popular Front, reacted on her X account (ex-Twitter) by mentioning TF1: #OùSontLesFemmes? She is also campaigning to face Jordan Bardella in a debate between the two rounds.

READ ALSO: Audiences: TF1, France 2 or France 3, who won the election night match?

France 2 receives Manuel Bompard and Eric Ciotti

France 2 has also drawn its gun. The public service channel will invite the coordinator of France Insoumise Manuel Bompard and Éric Ciotti, president of the Republicans. They will each answer Anne-Sophie Lapix’s questions in turn.

The well-attended election evenings last night

Sunday June 30, the election evenings devoted to the results of the first round were acclaimed by viewers. Between 7:59 p.m. and 9:38 p.m., 5.59 million viewers followed the TF1 evening presented by Anne-Claire Coudray and Gilles Bouleau, i.e. 22.4% of the public aged 4 and over and 30.5% of the FRDA-50. Figures allowing the first channel to come to the top of the audiences.

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France 2 came in second with its election night hosted by Anne-Sophie Lapix and Laurent Delahousse. 5.17 million viewers watched the first part, from 7:53 p.m. to 9:47 p.m., which represents 21.1% of the audience aged 4 and over and 18.1% of the target audience of Women Purchasing Managers aged under 50 (FRDA-50). The second part of the program, broadcast from 9:47 p.m. to 10:38 p.m., attracted 3.23 million viewers, or 15.2% of the audience and 15.2% of the target audience of FRDA-50. Finally, France 3 attracted 1.63 million viewers, which is equivalent to 7.1% of the audience and 4.4% of FRDA-50.



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