Nans and Mouts go in search of the big bad wolf in “Nus et culottés”

Nans and Mouts go in search of the big bad wolf in “Nus et culottés”
Nans and Mouts go in search of the big bad wolf in “Nus et culottés”

Nans and Mouts go in search of the big bad wolf
Good Pickaxe Television

Nans and Mouts are back for a new burst of episodes on France 5. And this Monday July 1 for the start of season 12, they decided to tackle a metaphorical quest.

Two wanderers, without money and without clothes, with the sole goal of reconnecting with the world around them. For almost twelve years, Nans and Mouths have chosen to make it their credo. Because, yes, they still believe in human kindness. That is why they go out to meet strangers, focusing on sharing and solidarity, words that the fracturing of our society tends to empty of their meaning.

For this new season, the two men had a very specific dream: to meet the big bad wolf. “We wanted to rave about fairy tales but looking for those we never usually look for: the bad guys, the monsters. And we wanted to see what it would wake up in us but also in the people we were going to meet on the road”, confides Nans. Before his remarks are completed by Mouts: “The big bad wolf may be well hidden in the hearts of each of us. »

Read also“Very often, there are tears”: Nans and Mouts talk about the encounters they experience in “Nus et culottés”

Metaphorical Quest

It was in the Morvan forest, with Lyon city center as their starting point, that they chose to live their crazy quest. And this search began with the meeting of a young woman, dressed in a long red jacket, who was returning from a knitting class at her partner’s grandmother’s house. This beginning of the story strangely echoes the tale of Charles Perrault and the Brothers Grimm. It’s hard to believe that in these 90 minutes of documentary reporting, nothing is scripted. And yet, it is indeed the case.

“When we leave, we have no idea what it’s going to be like. And for us, it was a real revelation because we had no idea what it was going to look like.”, explain the two adventurers. Their search could just as well take the form of an encounter with a former prisoner as with a real wolf. But for the first episode of the season, it was more about a metaphorical quest. Say yes to all opportunities, explore their buried fears but also confront those of society.




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