the former Quotidien columnist will make her return to the media with a new show!

the former Quotidien columnist will make her return to the media with a new show!
the former Quotidien columnist will make her return to the media with a new show!

The novelist and former Quotidien columnist Lilia Hassaine will be given a brand new show at the start of the school year… Here’s where we can find her!

Lilia Hassaine is back in the media! The journalist is well known to viewers and especially to TMC loyalists for having been a columnist for several years on the show DailyThe young woman, now aged 33, had actually joined the programme presented by Yann Barthès at the start of the 2017 school year, before presenting the section Zoom, for several seasons. She ended up leaving the airwaves in June 2022 and had until then devoted herself to writing. We owe her, for example, the novels The Eye of the Peacock, Bitter Sunor Panoramawhich earned her the Renaudot prize for high school students in 2023.

Lilia Hassaine at the head of a new show on France Inter

As revealed by our colleagues from Parisiannot long ago, Lilia Hassaine will take the reins of a new appointmentnot on television but on the radio, because it will join France Inter from the start of the school year, to host a literary programThe journalist will receive authors and question them about their current affairs for around forty minutes. “As a writer who has been in their shoes by being interviewed on the radio, I am perhaps aware of the questions that authors are not asked enough and of what it is to write a novel“, assures Lilia Hassaine who also wishes to reserve part of her program for recommending works, particularly those available in paperback edition: “It’s something I hold dear. These are less expensive books that allow us to evoke a classic” she explains.

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The director of France Inter welcomed the arrival of her new recruit: “Lilia is someone cultured, creative, original. She has an infectious passion for books that she knows how to make accessible to as many people as possible.“, confided Adèle Van Reeth who recently faced Public station listeners are angry after the announcement that the programme will be cancelled The French-speaking bookstore, presented by Emmanuel Kherad, and on the air for around twenty years.



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